- like the CCheckListBox class provided with MFC, however, it’s use isn’t obvious and the wizard assistance stops at the CListBox class. I’ll describe how to insert it easily in your project. (There may be easier ways to do it, but this is how I do it
- 我选择约瑟夫问题(附带一个合数段的问题这是我们第一次的考试题)做我最后一个上传的代码。因为这是我付出最多的一个,我的第一个程序,当时全班就我一个弄了出来现在想起来都十分高兴。一年以来还做了其他很多小东西,因为太简陋就步多传了,这些足够代表我大一这年的旅程了。希望你们能给我提供一个更大的学习的机会。不久的将来我就会有质量更高的代码上传了。谢谢先-I chose (a few fringe of a problem this is our first examination), the last o
- 一个不可多得的学习数字图像处理的vc++类,包括调色板,像素,大小等等,通过调用这个类可以得到更多的图像信息。是数字图像处理的基类。我学图像处理时一直在用,基本上不用调用API很爽的-a rare study of the Digital Image Processing vc categories, including palette, pixel size, etc., by calling this category can be more image information. Digit
- 全局函数使用起来很方便,不需要很多的包含头文件,在每种类中都可以用。可是,他的实现上也要注意一些细节,本实例就是出于这一目的,给出简单事例,教初学者如何使用全局类的方法。 希望对大家有所帮助。 -It is very convenient by using global function because it needn t include many head files and can be used in almost every class.But when you use it you
- Cximage强大的图片处理C++类,本人编译好的发布版的lib文件,解压使用即可-Cximage powerful image processing C++ class, I compiled release version of the lib file, you can extract using
- C#版xml操作类,我自用的感觉不错,大家可以研究一下-Xml C# version of action class, I feel bad for personal use, we can look
- VC++INI文件读写类,将对一般INI文件的各项操作,包括打开,读,写,修改等功能简化为几个方法,综合为一个类。-VC++ INI file reading and writing class, will the general operation of the INI files, including open, read, write, modify functions simplify several ways, integrated into a category.
- 类很重要的类,必须重要的类.我写的类鄙视我的类-Category of very important categories, the category must be important. I wrote the class contempt for the class I
- 我自己编的基于对话框的计算器,希望给你带来帮助-A calculator based on the dialog class . I hope that it would give you some help.
- 使用c#语言,实现bT创建种子的类,希望大家喜欢-Use c# language, the realization of the creation of seed bT class, I hope you like
- 有关二叉树的程序:判断一颗二叉树是否是二叉排序树!-about something that we learn from class!I did it by myself,and I hope it can help others!Thanks!
- YGEdit是一个比Edit更好用的edit类型,可以作为输出信息用的控件类。我还写了使用步骤,简单方便。-YGEdit is better than the Edit of the edit with the type of output information can be used as a control class. I have also written the use of steps, simple and convenient.
- 一个登陆的c#变成例子 自己上课老师给D 本人觉得不错-C# into an example of landing their own to the D class I think a good teacher
- 气泡提示框类的代码,对与界面美化很好,vc的,希望大家喜欢,-Bubble balloon class code, good landscaping and interface, vc, and I hope you like it, quack
- 是云台控制程序的里面的类,基于VC的,希望对云台控制的编程者有用。-PTZ control program is inside the class, based on the VC, and I hope the programmers of the tilt control useful.
- 我遇到过很多程序员和计算机系毕业的学生,也给很多程序员和计算机系毕业的学生讲解过《高级C 语言程序设计》 。每期班开课前,我总会问学生:你感觉C 语言学得怎么样? 难吗?指针明白吗?数组呢?内存管理呢?往往学生回答说:感觉还可以,C 语言不难,指针很明白,数组很简单,内存管理也不难。一般我会再问一个问题:通过这个班的学习,你想达到什么程度?很多学生回答:精通C语言。我告诉他们:我很无奈,也很无语。因为我完全在和一群业余者或者是 C语言爱好者在对话。你们大学的计算机教育根本就是在浪费你们的时间
- 2.1.0版重新架构了引擎,引入了三种新的连接(Joint),并重写了broadphase(广域碰撞检测),加入了kinematic物体(无质量的运动物体),Edge Shape(线段物体),Raycast(光线跟踪)等。具体可参考http://box2dflash.boristhebrave.com/docs/2.1a/updating。 在2.0.1版本中我极少考虑到类的封装,为的是编程和用户使用方便,但结构很不好,在这个版本中进行了修正。另外,这个版本的运行效率理论上应该比上个版本高,
- 这是孙鑫VC++视频第二课的代码,希望对你有帮助!-This is the Sun Xin VC++ code in the video the second class, I hope to help you!
- vc++技术内幕 第六版 希望对你有些帮助-VC technology fifth edition of book Insider (english),If you have questions about this I hope that you ve already taken advantage of the teaching fellows or come up after class, I d be happy to try to answer your questions now i
- 我测试过一些还行,其它的正在研究,推荐给初学者相互学习-c#2010 Database connection class.I also tested some of the lines, the other is studying.Recommended for beginners to learn from each other。