- Visual studio 2008 solution of jpeg decodeer/encoder implemented in C++. Well portable also on windows mobile,Visual studio 2008 solution of jpeg decodeer/encoder implemented in C++. Well portable also on windows mobile
- 对等网络C#编写的源代码,《对等网络编程源代码》一书附带的光盘的C#源码-This file contains the information about running the C# version of the application. You must have the following Software installed on your machine in order to run this application. 1. Microsoft Visual Studio
- 1.linking of header data into .cpp in vc++ 2.error correcting encoder and decoder 3.viterbi decoder in c 4.frequency modulation and demodulation in matlab 5.Performance Analysis of Weighted Median Filters in Prediction of Images
- EZW举例 该源代码包含有6个文件: EZW.H - EZW编码器头文件 EZW.C - EZW编码器文件 MATRIX2D.H MATRIX2D.C - 编码器数据结果定义和数据操作 FIFO.H FIFO.C - 扫描方式定义:先入先出原则 LIST.H LIST.C - 零树结构定义和操作 UNEZW.C - EZW解码器 这里,读者重点要掌握的是EZW.C和LIST.C中的内容,充分理解零树的概念。 -EZW example of t
- :MPEG-4是当前最具影响的多媒体数据压缩编码国际标准。针对视频编码过程中计算复杂度高,系统运算量大等 特点,本文提出了在TMS320C6416T上实现MPEG-4编码的优化方法。为使MPEG-4编码器达到实时应用的要求,结 合C64x DSP的特点,采取了一系列软件优化方法,包括合理分配存储器,在内存开辟双缓冲区结构,用汇编程序实现 MPEG-4的核心算法以及对整个程序流程进行C语言级优化等。实验结果表明,该编码器可以对768 pixel×576 pixel, 25 fram
- H.263的编码器与解码器的C源代码,在在Visual C++6.0环境下调试通过! -Of H.263 encoder and decoder C source code in Visual C++6.0 environment through debugging.
- 使用C编写的基于QPP交织器的turbo编码及译码器。编码器出来的结果没有经过调制直接通过高斯白噪声信道(加入随机噪声),译码后的结果与编码前结果相同。开发环境是visual studio2010.-Written in C, based on QPP interleaver turbo encoder and decoder. Out the results of the encoder is not modulated directly by a white Gaussian noise c
- 使用LAME编码器库封装的MP3编码器C++类 可以用于生产MP3文件,封装AVI等文件格式-The the the MP3 encoder C++ class of the LAME encoder library package can be used in the production of MP3 files, package AVI file format
- The project is arranged into five C# files. One is Program.cs, which is not really important until later, and even then, it isn t so terribly important. The other four are static classes, MuLawEncoder, MuLawDecoder, ALawEncoder, and ALawDecoder, whic
- lzw coding in c sharp using decoder and encoder algorthem
- 用C 实现的 卷积码编码,及其维特比译码,功能正确-Implemented in C convolution encoder, and Viterbi decoding
- This paper proposes and analyses an efficient wireless telecommunication system with multiple antennas to the emission and reception MIMO (multiple input multiple output) with space diversity in an OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Di vision Multiplex). The
MP3 to Wave Encoder
- MP3 to Wave File Encoder.