- SMSLib - SMS Processing Libraries SMSLib is a Java library for sending and receiving SMS message via a GSM modem or mobile phone. SMSLib also supports some bulk SMS operators, by implementing their HTTP interfaces.-SMSLib is a Java library for sen
- This program sends SMS from PC to mobile phone using a GSM device. the program developed in JAVA. it uses the com.jar library
- SMSLib是一个Java库,让您发送/接收通过兼容GGSM调制解调器或GSM手机短信。, -SMSLib is a Java library that allows you to send/receive through compatible GGSM modem or GSM SMS. ,
- GSM短信猫二次开发包,包含java、vb、asp等语言的例程以及AT指令等。-GSM SMS the cat secondary development package contains java, vb, asp, the routines of the language as well as AT commands.