- igrf的KMZ文件 导入到googleearth中即可显示地磁场线-igrf the KMZ file into googleearth in the earth' s magnetic field lines can show
- The 12 th Generation igrf coefficients were computed candidate sets of coefficients produced by the participating members of IAGA Working Group V-MOD. Their institutes and the many organisations involved in operating magnetic survey satellites, obser
- 最新的igrf国际地磁参考场计算程序(2015)。输入经纬度、海拔及时间,可计算地磁场各分量及日变情况。(The latest igrf international geomagnetic reference field calculation program (2015). Input latitude and longitude, elevation and time, and can calculate the magnetic field components and daily var
- 地磁计算软件程序,用于地磁方面的计算,geomag70_windows(The range of dates permitted with the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (igrf-12) ranges from 1900 and 2020)
IAGA matlab igrf-13
- 使用2020,igrf-13球谐系数,计算点位磁正常场。igrf.m,输入点位三维坐标(Use 2020, igrf-13 spherical harmonic coefficient to calculate point magnetic normal field,igrf. M, input three-dimensional coordinates of point position)