ipsec vpn相关rfc集
- IPsec VPN的RFC文档集合: RFC 2401 《Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol》 RFC 2402 《IP Authentication Header》 RFC 2406 《IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)》 RFC 2407 《The Internet IP Security Domain of Interpretation for ISAKMP》 RFC
- libike is a cross-platform C library for managing IKE negotiations. The library implements RFC-standard ISAKMP/IKE exchanges and utilizes a callback mechanism to delegate tasks of the actual packet transmission and security policies management to the
- this how a keyboard works in real time..... the keyboard worksl ike dis -this is how a keyboard works in real time..... the keyboard worksl ike dis
- 艾克影院是爱客源码的最初的开发团队! 3.4内容更新 1.修复3.3版本不支持二级目录的BUG 2.修复磁力及站外搜索失效的问题。 3.增加两个资源站,尽量减少搜不到资源的尴尬。 4.增加几个尝鲜视频的选择项。 5.修复了其他一些小BUG. 安装协助20元、修改图片20元、修改广告20元 安装简单,购买后有详细图文教程(Ike cinema is source of love guest the original development team!)