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- VIS H.323 Library符合下列标准 ITU-T H.323 V3 音频codec(支持静音检测) g.723.1 6.4kbps发送,6.4/5.3kbps接收 g.729a 8kbps发送,8kbps接收(仅在单一模式下可用) gsm 6.10 10kbps lpc 10 3kbps g.711 uLaw/aLaw 64kbps 视频codec(动态流量控制) h.261 支持QCIF(176*1
- class CH323EndPoint 操作h.323终端的类 class CAudioMixer 实现多路音频混合的类 class CVideoMixer 实现多路视频混合的类 class CVolumeCtrl 控制系统音量的类 class CVideoGrabber 操作视频捕获设备的类 class CAudioRecorder 操作音频输入设备的类 class CAudioPlayer 操作音频输出设备的类 class CILSClient 封装
Uma abordagem ILS para tratar o problema do
- The Problem of the Black Traveler and Bank Clerk is defined on a graph, directed or not, in which the vertices that represent the cities are classified as black or white. The cardinality constraint is related to the maximum number (Q) of white verti