- matlab环境下的k-means聚类算法,实现图像分割,很快阿!-k-means Clustering arithmetic based on matlab platform.It s fast for Image-Division!
- 一种简单有效的测度熵替代方法——近似熵(approximate entropy)方 法.应用以上方法对Logistic映射复杂度进行了分析.结果表明Lyapunov指数和测度熵的值与复 杂度基本呈线性关系,分维数与复杂度的函数关系尚难确定,且与Lyapunov指数、测度熵之间的关 系也不明确. - Approximate entropy (ApEn) method is also studied. They are applied to analyze the complex
- 实现图像的分割。改程序是在matlab环境下运行的,程序中用到了k-means算法,实现的结果很不错-This is the program of image segmentation based on the following work: s. Chen, L. Cao, J. Liu, and X. Tang, "Image segmentation by MAP-ML Estimations", submitted to IEEE Transactions on Image P
- 基于matlab程序的m-k检验方法计算,只要成matlab导入需计算的数据能方便完成m-k检验-Into matlab import the calculated data can facilitate the completion of the test methods based on the the matlab program' s mk mk inspection
- IMportant file for power sharing using matlab
- 基于matlab的k-s test算法实现,可供初学者参考和学习。(k-s test algorithm based matlab, for beginners reference and learning.)
matlab simulation for CDMA
- Chapter 18 README FILE Prepared by: William H. Tranter Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Virginia Tech - Mail Code 0350 Blacksburg, VA 24061 email: btranter@vt.edu Revision Dates: June 20, 2004 Note: This readme f
- 以优化sVR算法的参数c和g为例,对DE(差分进化)算法matlab源码进行了详细中文注解。(Differential Evolution algorithm (DE) is a heuristic random search algorithm based on group differences. This algorithm is proposed by R.s and k.p. rice for solving Chebyshev polynomials. DE algorithm is
- 进行多电平脉宽调制,使用的是M A T L A B 的 s i m u l i n k(To do the multi-level PWM with matlab)
- 用matlab绘制预测股票走势的k线图。但是非常小白,而且图很简陋不怎么好看。(Using matlab to draw the k-line chart of stock prediction. But It's very simple and not very specific.)