- delphi实现的bt下载器示例程序,带全部源码和BT协议 包中文件说明: BTDemo.dpr, BTDemoF.pas, BTDemoF.dfm -- 一个简单的bt下载器,支持多个.torrent文件同时下载 btutils.pas -- 核心bt组件 DCP*.pas -- SHA算法源码(复制自DEC组件包) InetUtils.pas -- 提供Internet下载的函数库 SimpleSocks.pas -- socket组件(TCP) SortList
Hacker Disassembler Engine
- Please excuse my english... It's so bad :) Hacker Disassembler Engine, or HDE, is small disassembler engine, which intend to code analyse. HDE get length of command, prefixes, ModR/M and SIB bytes, opcode, immediate, displacement, relative address
- 报表打印原代码,可自定义表格,单表头,多表头.EXECL导出,套打等等,Statements print the original code, can be customized form, the first single-sheet, multi-table first. EXECL export, etc.套打
- 一个读写XML文件的例子代码,VC++,适用windows 操作系统-Read and write XML documents a code example, VC++, The application of windows operating system
- pku 第2608题 Soundex coding groups together words that appear to sound alike based on their spelling. For example, "can" and "khawn", "con" and "gone" would be equivalent under Soundex coding. Soundex coding involves translating each word into a s
- 通过这本书中的例子以及练习题,你可以学到很多有用的技巧,并且全方位的例代码会提高你的编程技巧。 总之,你会了解到C#各个方面的知识。-You ll first learn all aspects of the C# language, from the fundamentals to object-oriented techniques. You ll then quickly progress through Windows(r) and Web programming to making u
- 键盘过滤驱动源码,按1键变8键,按需要可自行修改功能如锁定键盘、记录按键信息等。-Keyboard filter driver source code, a key variable in accordance with 8 key, according to the need to amend its own functions such as locking the keyboard, records and other key information.
- 学生选课管理系统,用纯ODBC API实现,例子中也演示了用MFC ODBC实现的方法,对于SQL语言的理解有很大的直观帮助和体会。内有详细的实验帮助和使用说明已经程序的E-R图,源码都附加有注释,很容易理解。C语言+SQL实现。-Student course management system, using pure ODBC API to achieve, for example, also demonstrated the realization of using MFC ODBC met
- 谭明金编写的《C语言程序设计实例精粹》一书的全部源码,学习C语言的同志可以参考参考!-Tan Ming Kim prepared by the " C Programming Language design example the essence of the" one book all the source code to learn C language can refer to refer to the comrades!
- 一个仿QQ2009界面风格的程序,用VC++的MFC开发,不看绝对是一种损失,完整源代码,学习MFC的绝好例子-An imitation QQ2009 interface style program, the MFC with VC++ development is a loss not to see the absolute, complete source code, a perfect example of learning MFC
- 一个利用代码虚拟模仿鼠标事件示例。开始/停止 鼠标捕获 按 Ctrl + Shift + F6,使用键盘的方向箭头键移动鼠标,按下 L 模仿鼠标左键单击,连续按下 L 键两次模仿双击,按下 R 键模仿右键单击。 -Virtual copy of a mouse event using the code example. Start/stop the mouse capture press Ctrl+ Shift+ F6, use the keyboard arrow keys to move t
- 在数据通信中,需要将传送的文字转换成二进制的字符串,用0,1码的不同排列来表示字符。例如,需传送的报文为“AFTER DATA EAR ARE ART AREA”,这里用到的字符集为“A,E,R,T,F,D”,各字母出现的次数为{8,4,5,3,1,1}。现要求为这些字母设计编码。-In data communications, the need to send the text converted into a binary string, with the 0,1 code arranged
- 动态的VC++ CList添加删除数据实例代码Dynamic VC + + CList Add example code to delete data-Dynamic VC++ CList Add example code to delete data
- VB获取并修改Flash文件实例经典代码Access and modify the Flash file VB classic example of the code-Access and modify the Flash file VB classic example of the code
- VB编程实例搜索模块设计代码Programming Example VB code search module design -Programming Example VB code search module design
- VB模块化编程变色彩实例代码VB example code modular programming change color -VB example code modular programming change color
- 刚学到printf函数和scan函数,很是一个不清楚,求几段经典范例代码,初学者入门用的。 另外有几道题求解,万分感谢!! 1.试尽量用多种不同的C代码,描述把整型变量i的值增加1的运算 2.试分别用最紧凑的一条C代码描述完成下列计算 1)把整型变量i和j的和赋给整型变量k,并同时让i的值增加1. 2)把整型变量X值扩大一倍 3)在变量i减去1后,将变量j减去变量i 4)计算变量i除变量j的余数r-Printf function and scan just l
- save audio n video try this code there r two example heehhehheeh-save audio n video try this code there r two example heehhehheeh
- 一个利用代码虚拟模仿鼠标事件示例。开始/停止 鼠标捕获 按 Ctrl + Shift + F6,使用键盘的方向箭头键移动鼠标,按下 L 模仿鼠标左键单击,连续按下 L 键两次模仿双击,按下 R 键模仿右键单击。-A code virtual imitation of the mouse event example. Start/Stop the mouse capture press Ctrl+ Shift+ F6, use the keyboard in the direction of th
- 一些常用的关于量化投资的R语言代码示例,例如如何调用wind,提取数据,计算收益率等(Some R code for investment)