- 依据GSM 05.03建议,在高斯干扰和突发干扰下,对TCH/FS信道作信噪误码性能的仿真-05.03 based on GSM, the Gaussian interference and unexpected interference, right TCH / FS channel for the signal to noise BER simulation
- GSM TCH/FS 信道编码仿真 仿真通信系统包括内外编码器、交织重排器、加性/突发或混合干扰信道、去交织反重排器、内外译码器,模拟了信息从信源到信宿的全过程; 在高斯噪声、突发干扰或混合信道下测试每个步骤对误码率和系统性能的影响,通过数字及图形的比较,得出通信系统中各个模块的作用。
TCHFS GSM channel simulation
- For the simulation of a GSM transmission channel it was decided to use an information channel TCH (Traffic Channel) with high speed (Full Speed). This type of channel allows a rate of 13 Kbps. In order to create the model of TCH channel for GSM the
- TCH全速率,实现把源码发送并利用纠错和交织保护来保护源码-TCH full rate, realize the source code to send and the use of error correction and interwoven protection to protect the source code
- call drop analysis in gsm