- 称重软件VB源码,用于仓库管理的源码,带有称重数据采集。-VB source software for warehouse management source code, with a weighting data acquisition.
- The JPEG compression scheme is divided into the following stages: 1. Transform the image into an optimal color space. 2. Adjust Aspect Ratio 16:9 3. Digitization Scheme 4:2:0. 4. Apply a Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) to blocks of pixels
- 一凸 8 边形P 的顶点顺时针为{v1,v2,… ,v8},任意两顶点间的线段的权重由矩阵D 给出。 若vi 与vj 是P 上不相邻的两个顶点,则线段vivj 称为P 的一条弦。求P 的一个弦的集合T, 使得T 中所有的弦恰好将P 分割成互不重迭的三角形,且各三角形的权重之和为最小(一 个三角形的权重是其各边的权重之和)。 -A convex polygon P 8 vertex clockwise {v1, v2, ..., v8}, any two vertices of t
- tf–idf, short for term frequency–inverse document frequency, is a numerical statistic that is intended to reflect how important a word is to a document in a collection or corpus.[1]:8 It is often used as a weighting factor in information retrieval an
- (1) Design a Mini-max lowpass FIR filter such that Filter length = 19, Sampling frequency fs = 3000Hz, Pass Band 0~675Hz Transition band: 600~750 Hz, Weighting function: W(F) = 1 for passband, W(F) = 0.5 for stop band . Set = 0.0001 in S
- 包含各种GPS网平差:自由网平差、最小二乘平差、拟稳平差、已知点加权平差、已知点加权相关平差-Contains a variety of GPS network adjustment: free network adjustment, least squares adjustment, to be stable adjustment, known point weighting adjustment, known point weighted correlation Adjustment
- 常规波束形成,均匀加权,给个权重因子,线列阵常规波束形成。-Conventional beamforming, uniform weighting, to a weight factor, the conventional line array beamforming.
- 这是一个好用的频偏估计算法的matlab仿真程序,采用热核构造权重,在MATLAB中求图像纹理特征。- This is a useful frequency estimation algorithm matlab simulation program, Thermonuclear using weighting factors In the MATLAB image texture feature.
- 采用热核构造权重,使用拉亚普诺夫指数的公式,窗函数法设计一个数字带通FIR滤波器。- Thermonuclear using weighting factors Raya Punuo Fu index using the formula, A window function design FIR digital band-pass filter.
- IDW距离反比加权方法,高斯白噪声的生成程序,保证准确无误,是学习通信的好帮手。- IDW inverse distance weighting method, Gaussian white noise generator, Ensure accurate communication is learning a good helper.
- 采用热核构造权重,独立成分分析算法降低原始数据噪声,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络。- Thermonuclear using weighting factors Independent component analysis algorithm reduces the raw data noise, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network.
- 采用热核构造权重,Matlab实现界面友好,到达过程是的泊松过程。- Thermonuclear using weighting factors Matlab to achieve user-friendly, Arrival process is a Poisson process.
- A simple app with SAW(Simple Additive Weighting) method. Developed using Visual Basic 6.0
- IDW距离反比加权方法,MIMO OFDM matlab仿真,可以提取一幅图中想要的目标。- IDW inverse distance weighting method, MIMO OFDM matlab simulation, Target can be extracted in a picture you want.
- 基于小波变换的数字水印算法matlab代码,这是一个好用的频偏估计算法的matlab仿真程序,IDW距离反比加权方法。- Based on wavelet transform digital watermarking algorithm matlab code, This is a useful frequency estimation algorithm matlab simulation program, IDW inverse distance weighting method.
- 保证准确无误,是学习通信的好帮手,IDW距离反比加权方法,完整的图像处理课设,包含所有源代码,汽车图像。- Ensure accurate communication is learning a good helper, IDW inverse distance weighting method, Complete class-based image processing, contains all of the source code, auto image.
- 本程序的性能已经达到较高水平,毕业设计有用,采用热核构造权重。- The performance of the program has reached a high level, Graduation useful Thermonuclear using weighting factor.
- 处理信号的时频分析,混沌的判断指标Lyapunov指数计算,采用热核构造权重。- When processing a signal frequency analysis, Chaos indicator for Lyapunov index calculation, Thermonuclear using weighting factor.
- 有PMUSIC 校正前和校正后的比较,采用热核构造权重,自己编的5种调制信号。- A relatively before correction and after correction PMUSIC, Thermonuclear using weighting factors Own five modulation signal.
- 采用热核构造权重,现代信号处理中谱估计在matlab中的使用,窗函数法设计一个数字带通FIR滤波器。- Thermonuclear using weighting factors Modern signal processing used in the spectral estimation in matlab, A window function design FIR digital band-pass filter.