- 由于Linux和Windows文件系统所定义的换行符不同,所以从Linux或Android到Windows的文件需要转换一下换行符。 是一个很使用的小工具。 由本人亲自编写,本来在网上下载过别人写的工具,真是很扯淡。一气之下,本人就自己用C++ 写了。-Due to the different the newline defined by the Linux and Windows file system, so to the Windows files from Linux
- iphone上开发必备的一些文档,包括了基本语言介绍:objective-c;os基本架构等。-iphone on the development of some of the necessary documents, including the basic language introduced: objective-c os basic structure and so on.
- 手机手电筒,Android手机上的应用,用手机当手电筒使-Phone flashlights, Android phone, using a mobile phone when the flashlight so
- Android网格和图片切换,GridAndImageSwitcher源码下载,一些源代码里的注释:把图片分装成键-值对的形式封装到容器里,获得R.layout.main中的组件元素,ImageSwitcher的更换的动画效果,设置图片切换效果,因为是ImageSwitcher显示图片 所以setLayoutParams时也是创建ImageSwitcher的LayoutParams,选择时触发的监听器,点击时触发的监听器-Android grid and image transition, Gr
- "Cartoonifier_Android": An Android app (requires Android 3.0 SDK or higher, and an Android 2.2 device or higher). Cartoonifier_Android is a GUI wrapper, so it accesses some of the same C/C-"Cartoonifier_Android": An Android app (requires Android 3.
- Browse to the folder which hold your Skype SMS messages. They are stored as .dat files. The program will read the .dat files and display the messaes in a listbox. You can search for a certain string in the messages and view them in a spearate form.
- The focus of this article is literature written in English from anywhere, not just the literature of England, so that i ncludes writers from Scotland, the whole of Ireland, Wales, as well as literature in English from former British colonies, includi
- android gam: Scrabble game project in Java: This scrabble game is a word game, which is based on cross words. So typically it is also called as cross words game. There will be a grid of 15×15 size or max. Users have to move characters to up or down t
- android-image-slide-panel图片照片墙的加载图片的时候一张一张叠加 和加载完成后切换每一张的滑动特效,自定义ImageSlidePanel,按照初叶的使用习惯, 每一页应该是一个模板,所以此处命名时使用了Template关键字-Loading pictures of android- photo wall after the completion of a stacking and loading switch each slide effects, according t
- 找了这么久的源码,今天终于找到了这个源码 Android-937822WinRAR 240166uCOS_31,同学们可以学习参考-Source for so long, today finally found the source winrar Android- 937822-240166 ucos_31, students can learn the reference
- 行车记录仪的launcher,包括循环录像,launcher界面等(The launcher of the recorder includes cycle video, launcher interface and so on)
- 开发助手 Android逆向助手2.2绿色版(so反编译工具)(Android reverse assistant 2.2 Green Edition (so decompile tool))
- 百度导航基于Android平台的SDK及相关so库文件和jar包(Baidu navigation SDK and related so library files and jar packages based on Android platform)
- 当手机要交给孩子玩的时候,首先把屏幕设置为黑色背景,然后启动这个启动器,并设置默认桌面,然后添加仅想给孩子玩的游戏应用图标,这样一来你的手机就不怕被孩子乱搞了。我发现手机的访客模式似乎不能有效使用,所以设计了本程序。 使用方法如下: 屏幕左上角垂直排列着四个50?50dp的按钮,点击第一个使第三个变成可点击,接着点击第三个使第二个和第四个变成可点击;点击第四个可添加应用快捷方式到本页;点击第二个后进入另一个全黑页面,依次点击左下角、右下角,再点下边框中间,就可以打开应用列表打开应用。(Whe
- Android程序员面试时需要知道的知识点,能让你面试时事半功倍,知己知彼才能百战不殆(Android programmers need to know what they need to know during the interview, so that you can make the most of the interview)
Android 性能监控实现原理
- Android 性能监控实现原理 性能监控其实就是hook 代码到项目代码中,从而做到各种监控。常规手段都是在项目中增加代码,但如何做到非侵入式的,即一个sdk即可(Performance monitoring is actually the hook code to the project code, so that all kinds of monitoring are done. The conventional means are to add code to the project,
- 可以发布学习信息,互相解答问题,发布学习心得等(You can publish learning information, answer questions from each other, release learning, and so on.)
- 用于安卓开发中图表设计代码(hellochart),包括柱状图,饼状图,折线图等..(For Android development, when you need to design a chart like (hellochart), including histogram, pie chart, line diagram and so on)
- VR 安卓演示版本,可以VR看视频,看图片等等(VR Android demonstration version, can VR watch video, look at pictures and so on)
- Android串口GPS驱动,需要源码编译,正确配置串口信息及权限,即可生成hal层的so文件,APP应用可调用GPS信息以定位(android-serial-gps-driver)