- asta for rport builder
- 一个用kdmMW写的三层的多表更新例子,kdmMW是一个三层FrameWork,速度比ASTA快,可能也要比Remobjects快(不过Remobjects也不错),准备用它开发三层系统了。-kdmMW write with a three-tier multi-table updates example, is a three-tier kdmMW FrameWork, speed faster than ASTA may also faster than Remobjects (althou
- ASTA 3.0版允许Delphi开发人员创建在互联网上运行的、安全的瘦客户端应用程序。它同样也支持Palm,WinCE,Java,C#等等其他非VCL(可视化组件库)的客户端-ASTA 3.0 version allows Delphi developers to create on the Internet running and secure thin-client applications. It also supports the Palm, WinCE, Java, C# So ot
- As a character in the movie The Thin Man, Asta was the playful pet dog of Nick and Nora Charles, tugging them around town on his walks, hiding from danger, and sniffing out corpses. ("Asta, you re not a terrier, you re a police dog," Nick tells him.)
- born 1931 or 1932 retired 1939) was a Wire-Haired Fox Terrier dog actor who appeared in dozens of movies during the 1930s. Skippy starred in many movies. He is best known for the role of the pet dog "Asta" in the 1934 detective comedy The Thin Man,
- Pentru a sorta lista de matrici in functie de suma elementelor matricei am adaugat, recursiv, la o lista noua, minmul din lista curenta, stergandu-l apoi din lista in care l-am cautat. Pentru asta am avut nevoie de o functie care sa imi extrag
- 以前工作过的某公司开发的ASTA服务器端,超级好用-Previously worked for a company in the development of ASTA server-side, and super easy to use
- 以前工作过的某公司ASTA客户端部分代码,略去了商业机密部分,展示如何连接ASTA服务器-Previously worked for a company ASTA client part of the code, omitted part of trade secrets, and show you how to connect ASTA server
- Asta vista component