- 1. 利用自相关函数法和周期图法实现随机信号的功率谱估计。 2. 观察数据长度、自相关序列长度、信噪比、窗函数、平均次数等对谱估计的分辨率、稳定性、主瓣宽度和旁瓣效应的影响。 -1. The use of auto-correlation function method and cycle map Method random signal power spectrum estimation. 2. Observation data length, the length of autoco
- PCA(主成分分析)算法被广泛应用于工程和科学研究中,本报告主要从PCA的基本结构和基本原理对其进行研究,常规的PCA算法主要采用线性算法,通过研究论证发现线性的PCA算法存在着许多不足,比如线性PCA算法不能从线性组合中把独立信号成分分离出来,主分量只由数据的二阶统计量—自相关阵确定,这种二阶统计量只能描述平稳的高斯分布等,因此必须对其进行改进,经改进后的PCA算法有非线性PCA算法、鲁棒算法等。我们通过PCA算法在直线(平面)中拟和的例子说明了PCA在工程中的应用。本例子采用的是成分分析中的
- 清浊音判别方法,用matlab软件开发,如自相关和能量方法等-discriminant method, the Matlab software development, such as energy and auto-correlation method
- 本文提出了一种利用二进制小波变换和短时自相关函数相结合的算法来检测语音信号的基音周期。它克服了单纯的短时自相关函数法对含噪语音检测时阈值难以确定的缺陷。-This paper proposes the use of a binary wavelet transform and short-time auto-correlation function of combining voice algorithm to detect letter Pitch No. cycle. It overcome
- computes Input/output auto/cross-correlation.-computes Input / output auto / cross-corre IBM.
- 伪随机序列的产生,伪随机序列的自相关函数等-Pseudo-random sequence generation, pseudo-random sequence of auto-correlation function, etc.
- ImagConvert 自己用VC编写的一个读取wave文件,并计算短时能量、短时过零率以及自相关函数的程序。-VC with the preparation of their own ImagConvert a wave file to read and calculate the short-time energy, zero-crossing rate and short-time auto-correlation function of the process.
- 用Matlab产生一满足条件的窄带随机过程,编写子程序计算该随机过程的均值函数,自相关函数,功率谱,包络,包络平方及相位的一维概率密度画出相应的图形-Generated using Matlab to meet the conditions of a narrow-band random process, the preparation of random process subroutine to calculate the mean function, auto-correlation fu
- Auto-correlation and cross-correlation of a period signal
- 自相关函数Rxx(tao)可以了解不同时刻同一随机样本间的波形相似程度。 自功率谱密度函数Sxx(f):反映相关函数在时域内表达随机信号自身与其他信号在不同时刻的内在联系。当随机信号均值为零时,自相关函数和自功率谱密度函数互为傅立叶变换对。 -Autocorrelation function Rxx (tao) can learn the same random sample at different times the degree of similarity between th
- 自相关检测方法是利用信号和噪声在相关域上的差别来构造检测器的。自相关检测是将信号与自身延迟一个时延后的信号作相关处理,或用双通道接收机的输出进行相关,得到扩频信号的自相关函数-Auto-correlation detection method is the use of signal and noise in the relevant field to construct the difference detector. Autocorrelation test is a time delay
- 用于自相关或者互相关的vc实现,自己在调用FFT变换,数据文件自动读入-Used for auto-correlation or cross correlation vc, in a call to FFT transform, the data file is automatically read into is used to auto-correlation or cross correlation vc
- Auto correlation function for Rayleigh channel
- 使用c语言实现信号自相关,有文件输入输出函数使用-Use c language auto-correlation signal has the file input and output functions use
- 详细画出了时域和频域的相关图,完整的图像处理课设,包含所有源代码,汽车图像,包括四元数的各种计算。- Correlation diagram shown in detail the time domain and frequency domain, Complete class-based image processing, contains all of the source code, auto image, Including quaternion various calculations
- 保证准确无误,是学习通信的好帮手,完整的图像处理课设,包含所有源代码,汽车图像,详细画出了时域和频域的相关图。- Ensure accurate communication is learning a good helper, Complete class-based image processing, contains all of the source code, auto image, Correlation diagram shown in detail the time domain
- 分析了该信号的时域、频域、倒谱,循环谱等,完整的图像处理课设,包含所有源代码,汽车图像,实现典型相关分析。- Analysis of the signal time domain, frequency domain, cepstrum, cyclic spectrum, etc. Complete class-based image processing, contains all of the source code, auto image, Achieve canonical correla
- Including Deng's correlation, absolute correlation, correlation of slope, improved absolute correlation, Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight are power law distribution, Complete class-based image processing, contains all of
Voice Recognition and Identification System
- The Code For Gender Identification for speech signals using Auto correlation method