- This is a model of a QPSK modulation system for transmission over a bandpass channel with fc = 100 Hz and B = 30 Hz and AWGN at the receiver. SRRC fi lters with excess bandwidth α = 0.18 are employed. The receiver includes an NDA timing recovery
- 本文是用矩形窗法设计FIR带通滤波器,来滤除音乐信号的噪声-this is rectangular window design FIR bandpass filter to filter out the noise signal Music
- This m file analyzes a coherent binary phase shift keyed(BPSK) and a amplitude shift keyed(ASK) communication system. The receiver uses a correlator(mixer-integrator[LPF]) configuration with BER measurements comparing measured and theoretical results
- A novel Ka-band bandpass filter using LIGA micromachined proce
Symmetric FIR Filters Flat Passbands, Chebyshev St
- 乘序给出了对称Chebyshev滤波器的设计.注意:语法规则 cheblp.m lowpass filter design (specify del) cheblp2.m lowpass filter design (specify ws) chebbp.m bandpass filter design (specify del) chebbp2.m bandpass filter design (specify ws1,ws2) chebdiff.m lowpass differentiato
- IIR数字滤波器设计C程序-双线性变换法设计IIR数字滤波器包括1.Lowpass 2.Highpass 3.bandpass三部分-Infinite Impulse Response Digital Filter Design By Double Converting
- 16阶带通滤波器在matlab环境下仿真程序-16-order bandpass filter in matlab simulation environment
- designing of low pass, highpass, bandpass,bandstop filters
- 通信系统仿真原理与无线应用第四章的程序,是有关带通信号与系统的低通仿真模型的。-Wireless Communication System Simulation Theory and Application of Chapter IV of the program is about the bandpass signal and system low-pass simulation model.
- 通信系统仿真原理与无线应用第四章的程序,是关于带通信号与系统的低通仿真模型的。-Wireless Communication System Simulation Theory and Application of Chapter IV of the program is on the bandpass signal and system low-pass simulation model.
- DSP开发工具Code Compile Studio(CCS)开发数字信号处理程序DSP——实现IIR滤波器,IIR高通、低通、带通。-With DSP tool Code Compile Studio(CCS),develop a program for DSP,which it can be a highpass,lowpass,bandpass.
- NAME: bpass PURPOSE: Implements a real-space bandpass filter which suppress pixel noise and long-wavelength image variations while retaining information of a characteristic size. CATEGORY: Image Processing CALLING SEQUENCE
- 基于双线性变换 切比雪夫 带通滤波器 带阻滤波器-Based on the bilinear transformation chebyshev bandpass filter
- 一个有关带通滤波器设计的详细源代码程序,包括了个参数的设计-matlab bandpass
- 关于FIR带通滤波器的一个程序,能修改参数运行,可参考,可修改参数并直接运行-About a program FIR bandpass filter, can modify the parameters to run, you can refer to, you can modify the parameters and run
- 带通滤波 利用自适应AR模型,滤除0.9Hz以下和1.1Hz以上波形-Bandpass filter using adaptive AR model, filter below 0.9Hz and 1.1Hz above waveform
- C语言实现带通滤波器,可以直接运行。在信号处理过程中非常有用-C language implementation bandpass filter, which can be run directly.In the process of signal processing is very useful
filter bandpass
- Bandpass Filters A band pass filter is an electronic circuit that allows the passage of a Frequency range of a signal and attenuates the remaining frequencies. We present three bandpass filters that added deliver the audible spectrum By the human
- 本程序详细介绍了如何设计基于窗函数的带通数字滤波器(This procedure describes in detail how to design a window-based bandpass digital filter)
- 基于三通带交叉耦合带通滤波器的设计,中心频率在2.4Ghz和3.4Ghz及5.5Ghz(Design of cross coupling bandpass filter based on three passband)