- 看pdf等的电子书,白底黑字看时间长了不舒服,想换成其他颜色的 本程序实现此功能-see the e-books, white background with black lettering to see a long time uncomfortable, changed to the color of the other procedures to achieve this function
- 发现大部分黑白的朋友都不会编程, 这可不是件好事, 所以这次我就写了一个简单的编程教程, 讲一下VBscr ipt. 主要面向菜鸟, 懂得编程的朋友就不要浪费时间了, 如果你想接触以下VBscr ipt也可以, 但既然有编程基础推荐直接去找一些参考书来读, 会比较快. -Found that most of the black and white friends are not programming, this is not a good thing, so this time I wrote
- 图书馆管理系统,在黑窗口下实现图书的增加,删除,修改,查询。-Library management system, to achieve the books in the black window to add, delete, modify, query.
black books Vol I, II, and III (DOCs)
- black books vol 1 vol 2 and vol 3