- 最新最强最酷免费破解版的皮肤控件支持Delphi 5/6/7/2005/2006/2007/2009/2010 and C++ Builder 6/2006/2007/2009/2010 AlphaControls+2009最新破解版,内含60个最新皮肤包括VISTA,WLM,WMP11,以及像PPStream一样的。 具体使用方法:先安装———从ALPHATOOLS中拉一个sSkinManager1和一个sSkinProvider1,然后在sSkinManager的SKINdirect
- BusinessSkinForm v6.50.1 (完整源码) 一套支持 Delphi 和 C++Builder 的 VCL 库,帮助你创建可换 Skins 的程序,支持包括窗体,提示,许多标准和数据控件.你可以用专用的编辑器创建自己的Skins 本版本支持以下 IDE: Delphi 5,6,7,2005 C++Builder 5,6 BDS 2006 RAD Studio 2007 RAD Studio 2009 -BusinessSkinForm v6
- 1. WHAT IS DELPHI DISTILLER Delphi Distiller is a customization tool for Delphi 5/6/7/2006/2007/2009/2010 that allows you manage packages and experts and apply several tweaks. 2. FEATURES • Choose what packages and experts are loaded
- Translation to brasilian portuguese of the QuickReport 4.07 pre-viewer for Delphi 2007.
- delphi Adsl链接控件,for delphi 5,6,7,2007,2009-delphi Adsl link control, for delphi 5,6,7,2007,2009
- 这是本人写的一个简单的Delphi打开历史文件清理软件,现在Delphi 2010已经有了这个功能了,不过如果你机器上装了多个的版本,不妨还是可以做为一个小工具使用的。编译此工程需要Delphi2007及VCLSkin5.4。如果没有vclskin,则打开工程时,可以把Tskindata组件删除。-A Delphi history manager for self use only.Compiled under Delphi 2007 and VCLSkin 5.4 required.If no
- 增强数据表格显示, 带全部源码 Ehlib 是著名的数据库连接控制,DBgrid增强VCL控件;支持多表头,多固定列,按表头排序,支持合计列,并支持直接打印。可以和PB的ataWindow媲美。 本版本支持以下 IDE: Delphi 5,6,7,2005 C++Builder 5,6 BDS 2006 (Delphi 2006, C++Builder 2006) Delphi 2007 RAD Studio 2009 (Delphi 2009, C++Bu
- 不错的delphi界面控件,这是支持Delphi2007的版本。-Nice delphi VCL,this version support delphi 2007
- delphi版dlt 645测试软件,带控件。实现了部分645协议。-delphi version dlt 645 testing software, with the control. To achieve some of the 645 agreement.
- 最新*2007完整源代码+黑洞屏幕DELPHI-2007 gray dove latest complete source code+ black screen DELPHI
- 主要實現功能為delphi環境對連接mysql的代碼,在d6,d7,2007下調試通過,希望對這方面有需求的朋友有所幫助-Environment to achieve the main function of the connection mysql delphi code, in d6, d7, 2007 through debugging, I hope there is a demand in this regard friends help
- 卡巴斯基软件源代码泄露 卡巴斯基的安全套装产品之一的源代码已经泄露,并可以从网上下载(压缩包大小约300MB)。并称,源代码涉及的版本是Kaspersky Internet Security 8.0/2009的一个测试版。 该代码是C + +和Delphi编写的,涵盖反病毒引擎,以及反钓鱼,反拨号器,防垃圾邮件,家长控制等模块。据包内的发行说明,被泄露的源码是卡巴斯基实验室在2008年和过去所做的更改从2007年12月他们的日期。 这里提供的是该源代码包内包含的AVZ部分
- Ehlib DbGrid The Library contains components and classes for Borland Delphi versions 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 , Borland C++ Builder versions 5 & 6, Borland Developer Studio 2006 and CodeGear Delphi 2007.
- EhLib 5.2 contains the components and classes for Borland Delphi 5-8, 2005, 2006, C + + Builder 5-6, CodeGear Delphi 2007, CodeGear RAD Studio 2009, Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010 is aimed at empowering the client part of database software, the user int
- { Project: Hooking via Import Address Table Patching. Coder: Hamtaro aka Corvu5 Compiled: Delphi 2007 Modified: jpCoder This file was downloaded from www.delphibasics.co.nr }-{ Project: Hooking via Import Address Table Patchin
- 这是我给 一个印度代购网站www.yaopi.cc做的网站端口保护器源代码程序,攻击过滤等功能齐全,给有需要的人用吧,程序使用 delphi 2007编译。-This is what I do an Indian website purchasing sites www.yaopi.cc port protectors source code program, attack filtering functions, to those who need to use it
3nity Media Player version
- coded with delphi 2007 : 3nity Media Player is a highly portable multimedia player capable of reading most audio and video formats (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, DivX, MPEG-1, mp3, ogg, aac ...) as well as DVDs, Audio CDs VCDs, and network streams. 3nity Me
- FASTREPORT® 5.0 VCL FastReport® 5.0 VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport® provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual
- FastReport 5.2.3.zip FastReport® 5.0 VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport® provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual report de
- FastReport® 5.0 VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport® provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core,