- 含此文档只表示此压缩包来自于DELPHI盒子网站 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELPHI盒子 二零零三新版 http://www.2ccc.com http://www.delphibox.com Email:root@2ccc.com DELPHI相关源码下载,作品发布,个性论坛,支持WEB/FTP文件上传,会员WEB空间,V
- Tool to grab and save to disk in jpeg very large (any!) part and zome of Google Earth map in maximal resolution. GoogleEarth COM API used, GoogleEarth must be installed. To seamless compose of resulting jpeg images convert it to tiff, use GEOTIFF_TFW
- How to communicate between Applications via Messages and Atoms. Demo by Alexey M. Novosselov / AMNSoft support@savecontrols.com This demo show how one application (Ap_1) start another (Ap_2) and send some parameters to Ap_2 , if Ap_2 alr
- m由delphi 编写的一个电话计费系统,供大家参考-m prepared by the delphi a telephone billing system for reference
- 泡泡游戏。DELPHI 6 源码编译。 『游戏规则说明』 § 每关 20 分 § 小泡泡球不能碰到其他大泡泡球,否则闯关失败 § 小泡泡球能吃掉【红心】,每吃掉一颗【红心】,图片便少一块遮挡的画布 § 没通过一关,大泡泡球和小泡泡球的速度都会加快 § 第1-3关,级别为一级 , 4-6关,级别为二级 , 7-9关及其以后级别为三级 常用快捷键:【S】键开始 【P】键暂停 【R】键重新开
- Very good resizing component for Delphi. Made for Delphi 3 but it installs up to Delphi 7 (maybe even on later versions - but last version of Delphi I m using is D7).-Very good resizing component for Delphi. Made for Delphi 3 but it installs up to De
- 应用windows的TCards控件的范例代码,显著提高运行效率。-TCard component for Delphi 32- freeware ------------------------------------------- author: Giulio Ferrari e-mail: giulio_ferrari@hotmail.com This component shows a ms-like card with NO USE OF DLLs. I
- . 在此例中, 我只是为了呈现想要的画面, 还没时间把它作成VCL 2. 渐层部份, 由於赶工, 所以先以贴一张图上去, 各位可以自己写程式把画面的背景呀, 作一些处理, 就会很好看唷, 或是画多张美美的渐层, 在不同时间作更换, wa.....自己风格的画面就出来了, 你也可以在背景放不同的美女图, 当user click时, 就换不同张, 有很多的变化, 就像您各人的巧思和创意噜 3. TreeView每个Item间, 是否能把间距自由改变, 我还不是很清楚, 请各位不吝指导小弟
- 一个检测判断IP是否合法的Delphi算法,也就是IP格式输入不对的话,会提示错误,重新输入,本例主要是帮助Delphi初学者实现在自己的程序窗口中验证IP地址,实例源码简单。 -A test to determine whether a legitimate IP Delphi algorithm, which is entered wrong IP format, then the error will be prompted to re-enter, in this case main
- 中电多功能电表通讯测试,MODBUS规约,RS485通讯(Communication test of CLP multifunction meter)
- 这是一个Win32服务应用程序,使用Delphi编写的API调用你的服务的可执行文件(This is a Win32 Service app written in Delphi using only API calls removing huge amounts of m$ bloat from your service executable, a basic service will)
- Bottom-pass and band-pass FIR and IIR filter bottom pass and band-pass filter, Much posture, multi-angle, have different light, Stepwise linear regression.
- PSS primary synchronization signal in the time domain simulation related, It has a wealth of parameter options, Rapid expansion of random spanning tree algorithm.
- I developed this game while learning Delphi, and before that Turbo Pascal. It's very much a first attempt so any comments or suggestions would be appreciated, particularly about any bugs and where exception handling might be included. It is a f
- 包含:ActiveX控件、明华非接触式读卡器ActiveX控件函数说明文档2.0,读写器换库说明文档,以及测试程序。 支持的语言有c#,c++,Delphi、java、pb9、pb12.5、vb.net、vb6、vfp等语言。(Contains: ActiveX control, Minghua contactless card reader ActiveX control function descr iption document 2.0, reader replacement libra