- 利用DELPHI下标准的多线程类TThread来完成我们的多线程设计-use under standard multithreaded category TThread to complete our multithreaded design
- 利用DELPHI下标准的多线程类TThread来完成我们多现程的设计-use under standard multithreaded category TThread to finish what we design is the way
- delphi 源码,自动下载mp3.baidu.com 的分类音乐(top100...),使用了idhttp下载,正则表达式分析下载链接。Tthread实现多线程下载。
- omm32.pas is a simple Communications VC for Borland Delphi 2.0 which demonstrates the Win32 Communications functions and the new Delphi TThread class. It is implemented using two threads: one for reading from, and one for writing to a Comm Po
- 使用多线程API创建线程来获取网页源代码。而不使用TThread。-ThreadWebGet
- This a HEAVILY optimized version of Borland s ScktComp unit.It works in exactly the same fashion and supports all of it s Win32 functionality except using only 10 of the original vcl overhead. Also included is a TList, TStream and TThread
- DELPHI TThread 类的示例附多线程类示例带进度条 示例-DELPHI TThread class example with class example with multi-threaded progress bar example
- Comm32.pas is a simple Communications VC for Borland Delphi 2.0 which demonstrates the Win32 Communications functions and the new Delphi TThread class. It is implemented using two threads: one for reading from, and one for writing to a Comm P
- 在一个多线程的应用程序中创建一个TThread的后子类代表一个线程。每一新子类的TThread对象的实例是一个新的线程。从TThread派生的多线程实例可以构成Delphi的多线程应用程序。 -Create a TThread in a multi-threaded application on behalf of a thread after a subclass. Examples of each new subclass TThread object is a new thread.