- 包括频域解与动态解 误差改进方法 信号的频谱等程序-Including the frequency-domain solutions and dynamic solutions to improve the methods of the error signal spectrum, such as procedures
- cognitive radio book .Dynamic spectrum access chapters
- Cognitive Radio and Dynamic Spectrum Access represent two complementary developments that will refashion the world of wireless communication. In order to investigate the roles of knowledge representation and reasoning technologies in this domain, we
- 这篇PPT主要是关于软件无线电动态频谱管理,有一定的参考价值。-Software RadioEnabling Dynamic Spectrum Management
- 基于IEEE802.22的认知无线网络的动态谱分析,谱竞价的博弈理论模型-Dynamic spectrum access in IEEE 802.22- based cognitive wireless networks a game theoretic model for competitive spectrum bidding and pricing
- this article is regarding thge dynamic spectrum acce-this article is regarding thge dynamic spectrum access
- MP3播放器 V3.0MP3播放器为免费中文软件,它集成了MP3播放的查找、播放、暂停、继续、退出操作及频谱显示、GF动画、播放计时和齐全的日历功能(含农历、星期等)。界面美观,操作方便,运行稳定,配合频谱和画面的动感,具有良好的实用性和观赏性,受到广大MP3爱好者的青睐-MP3 player V3.0MP3 player for free Chinese software, integrated MP3 player search, play, pause, continue to exit
- dynamic spectrum network simulation
- 音乐播放器功能介绍: 1.这是一款非常简洁的mp3音乐播放器,界面美观,出自酷播官方; 2.播放器文件大小只有14KB,非常小,功能却很不错; 3.支持mp3格式的音乐播放,支持音量大小控制; 4.支持拖动进度播放;支持快进和快退功能; 5.支持显示动态音乐频谱; 6.本音乐播放器后期功能展望:实现列表连播、增加多种播放器界面、支持rtmp协议。 由于flash有安全域的问题,建议用户在IIS下或其他网站环境下测试。-The music player functio
- Cognitive radio allows unlicensed users to access licensed frequency bands through dynamic spectrum access so as to reduce spectrum scarcity. This requires intelligent spectrum sensing techniques like co-operative sensing which makes use of infor
- 对常见的信号类型,如正弦、ASK、FSK等信号的频谱进行仿真验证,适合数字信号处理专业学生练习理解-For common signal types, such as sine, ASK, FSK and other signal spectrum simulation and verification, suitable for digital signal processing professional students to practice understanding
- 车牌识别定位程序的部分功能,旋转机械二维全息谱计算的实用例程,用MATLAB实现动态聚类或迭代自组织数据分析。- Part of the license plate recognition locator feature, Rotating Machinery dimensional hologram of practical spectrum calculation routines, Using MATLAB dynamic clustering or iterative self-orga
- 用MATLAB实现动态聚类或迭代自组织数据分析,包含了阵列信号处理的常见算法,旋转机械二维全息谱计算的实用例程。- Using MATLAB dynamic clustering or iterative self-organizing data analysis, Contains a common array signal processing algorithm, Rotating Machinery dimensional hologram of practical spectrum c
- 此文件包里的内容概括了EMD算法的前世今生,从emd分解到hht谱,有各种ppt,各种算法的原理介绍,emd分解的动态演示ppt,以及包含一个改进emd源程序算法,内容丰富,和大家分享,值得学习 -This file bag Outlines the incarnations of the EMD algorithm, the EMD decomposition to HHT spectrum, there are all sorts of PPT, all kinds of algorith
- 奇异谱方法( SSA) 是一种特别适合于研究周期振荡行为的分析方法, 它是从时间序列的动力重构出发, 并与经验正交函数相联系的一种统计技术, 是EOF分解的一特殊应用。((SSA) is a kind of special singular spectrum method is suitable for the study of periodic oscillation behavior analysis method, it comes from the time series of dyna
- This is a dynamic range spectrogram which shows the shape of sound wave. this file includes all scr ipts and files to run and show the spectrum a sound wave.