ESP8266远程控制应用 APP源码
- esp8266一款搭载51开发的一款软件,及一些源码,相互学习学习??(The esp8266 is equipped with a 51 development of a software, and some source code, learn from each other)
- 易语言设计的APP,方便刚接触的新手用于APP的设计和二次编程,简单的51单片机驱动ESP8266,轻松玩转WIFI模块ESP8266的简单应用,使用当前简单的内网穿透软件花生壳,让远程控制更加便捷(Easy language design of the APP, easy access to new users for APP design and secondary programming, simple 51 MCU drive ESP8266, easy to play the WIFI
- 使用mcu采集温湿度信息然后通过wifi将信息穿送给手机在手机上进行显示,内附上位机资料(Using MCU to collect temperature and humidity information, and then WiFi to send the information to the mobile phone for display, with PC data attached)