- here we have a simple face and eye detection from a web cam, and your mouse will follow your face. i am trying to develop it making the mouse clicks when the eye blink??
- 玩电脑的时候大脑都把注意力投入到屏幕上了,眼睛都不记得眨一下。而长期不眨眼眼睛就会很容易疲劳。-Play on the computer when the brain paying attention to all inputs to the screen, the eyes do not remember blink. Long-term will not blink eyes are easily fatigued.
- 基于OpenCV编写,使用摄像头,眨眼眼时通过帧间差来寻找到眼睛位置,并跟踪。 -Prepared based on OpenCV camera, blink eye by interframe Laixun find eye position, and track.