- This is an application to easily edit pdf documents, add text images and other stuff on the fly.
- C#语言调用福昕阅读器的动态库,实现pdf阅读器功能。-foxit Reader is called dynamic library, the C# language and pdf reader.
- pdf 阅读器 单文件版,绿色版,便携免安装,自动关联pdf文件。-pdf Viewer, auto match with pdf files.
foxit Reader
- C#打印pdf文件,使用C#调用打印机打印pdf文件的逻辑(C# print pdf files, use the C# pdf file called printer logic)
foxit pdf Editor v2.0.1011 -YAG
- foxit pdf Creator for fine tune documents in portable format
foxit pdf IFilter 32 bit v1.0.0.1504 YAG
- Portable Document Filter software
foxit Spell Checker
- foxit Spell Checker to check Spelling Of pdf
foxit Reader
- pdf阅读工具 小巧 实用 比Adobe的小很多(pdf reading tools Small practical much smaller than the Adobe)