演示dx游戏编程基础的大杂烩,包含各种小技巧的实例代码,比较杂-Dx demo game programming based hodgepodge, containing a variety of small examples of code techniques, more complex. . .
著名的ShaderX系列第七本, Mobi文件kindle官方电子书, 非常适合阅读. 不再有pdf清晰度的烦恼.-Welcome to ShaderX7:Advanced Rendering Techniques, the latest volume in the cuttingedge, indispensable series for game and graphics programmers.This all-new volume is packed with a collection
[英文游戏编程图书全集].real-time.rendering.tricks.and.techniques.in.directx.rar -[English game programming book The Collected Works]. Real-time.rendering.tricks.and.techniques.in.directx.rar
xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助-xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone
xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助-xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone
xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助-xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone
xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助-xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone
xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助-xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone
xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助-xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone
xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助-xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone
xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助-xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone
xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助-xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone
This book is an introduction to programming interactive 3D computer
graphics using DirectX 9.0, with an emphasis on game development. It
teaches you the fundamentals of Direct3D, after which you will be able
to go on to learn and apply more adv
This book is an introduction to programming interactive 3D computer graphics using DirectX 9.0, with an emphasis on game development. It teaches you the fundamentals of Direct3D, after which you will be able to go on to learn and apply more advanced
详细覆盖了从Windows编程到direct 3D, direct Draw, direct Music, direct Input的编程方法,以及游戏编程中的常用算法和编程技巧。-This book takes the reader through Win32 programming, covering all the major components of DirectX including DirectDraw, DirectSound, DirectInput (including Fo
本书基于DirectX 9.0,是介绍Direct3D技术的入门教程,详细介绍了Direct3D的背景、基本知识以及3D程序设计的相关概念与技术。全书由浅入深,分为四个部分,第一部分介绍Direct3D的发展历史和基本知识,对3D程序设计中的术语、概念进行了深入讲解;第二部分着重讨论纹理映射技术,包括多重纹理等;第三部分通过多个示例来探讨高级shader编程,并对.MD3文件格式做了详细分析;第四部分是附录,对本书中用到的概念和技术知识背景进行了简单补充。
书名: Introduction to 3D Game Programmingwith DirectX- 9.0c - A Shader Approach
经典的DirectX 9.0c入门书籍龙书的2006年新版本, 相比03年的那般增加了非常多的内容, 包含的技术足够让读者做出一个简单但完整的游戏. 这本书在网上一直只有一个chm的版本, 非常不便于阅读, 现在托亚马逊kindle的福, 官方电子书版出现, 本人有幸获得, 并在此分享. -Introduction to 3D Game
这是一个可以自动打补丁、更新的网络应用程序示例的代码。采用Visual Basic 编程技术,实现像Windows操作系统、迅雷等应用软件那样,自动查询程序最新版本、自动下载增补的功能。-A patch to update the network online game program. Visual Basic programming techniques, like the Windows operating system, Thunder and other software applic
AI.Techniques.for.Game.Programming book source
AI.Techniques.for.Game.Programming book source-AI.Techniques.for.Game.Programming book source
AI.Techniques.for.Game.Programming book source
AI.Techniques.for.Game.Programming book source