- 通过驱动直接读取Intel 82093AA I/O的*器
- 2001年春季的IDF上Intel正式公布PCI Express,是取代PCI总线的第三代I\\O技术,也称为3GIO。该总线的规范由Intel支持的AWG(Arapahoe Working Group)负责制定。2002 年4月17日,AWG正式宣布3GIO 1.0规范草稿制定完毕,并移交PCI-SIG进行审核。开始的时候大家都以为它会被命名为Serial PCI(受到串行ATA的影响),但最后却被正式命名为PCI Express。2006年正式推出Spec2.0(2.0规范)
- Image alignment is a process of matching one image called template (let s denote it as T) and another image I (see fig. 1). There are many applications of image alignment, such as tracking objects on video, motion analysis and many other tasks of com
- HEX 转 BIN 程序,弄过单片机的人可能都知道,很多编译器都会编译出一种叫HEX 的文件,这好像是Intel定的一个格式,就是把二进制的机器代码文件以16进制的字符形式(文本)保存,写进cpu或rom前都需要进行转化,此小程序便可完成该任务了。(本人上传代码均为Fwr原创)-HEX to BIN procedures, people get too SCM may all know, a lot of the compiler will compile a document called H
- The fastest Nokia H.264 decoder and fixed bug. Using method is same as xvid mpeg4,support ARGB MMX output, support VC6.0, VC2008 and Wince. You also can install Intel C++ compiler 10.1 or 11.0 with VC2008, set command line option /QxP or SSE3 in "En
- The fastest Nokia H.264 decoder and fixed bug. Using method is same as xvid mpeg4,support ARGB MMX output, support VC6.0, VC2008 and Wince. You also can install Intel C++ compiler 10.1 or 11.0 with VC2008, set command line option /QxP or SSE3 in "Ena
- The fastest Nokia H.264 decoder and fixed bug. Using method is same as xvid mpeg4,support ARGB MMX output, support VC6.0, VC2008 and Wince. You also can install Intel C++ compiler 10.1 or 11.0 with VC2008, set command line option /QxP or SSE3 in "Ena
- Field: Digital Image Processing i)Reading Hyperspectral Images ii) Reshaping the input images ii) Singular value decomposition using C , Intel OpenCV and Intel MKL
- This the Linux driver for intel pro 1000 card that i downloaded from net-This is the Linux driver for intel pro 1000 card that i downloaded from net
- 微软超算 intel 是列代码,但是温软的网站上是错误的-super catellate to any performance it is not too bad but may be can not be used so please don t download it.I just want to download a programe to research it.
- Intel Integrated Performance Primitives(ipp)函数范例-Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (ipp) function example
- I hope you to enjoy this.
- This a package containing sparse matrix operations like multiplication, addition, Cholesky and LDLT decompositions and so on. I started developing it because I needed a simple, easy to use, efficient library, that did not have any external dependenci
- i have uploaded 8085 microprocessor architecture opcode sheet .this will help students for their program to generate opcoses
- 这次的VtTest, 兼容win7 xp多核,代码含有EPT初始化和访问违规的处理,至于访问违规我是 自己测试用的,朋友们可以删掉重新自己写个,EPT初始化对照着intel手册设置就行,还有就是这个 只支持PAE模式,paging模式比PAE简单,照着葫芦画瓢就行,写代码写的脑子乱掉了,不知道写什么 了,,,好了,就这样吧!!! (更多虚拟化的问题,欢迎朋友们来群详聊)-The VtTest, compatible with Windows 7 xp multicore, code
- 汇编语言是我目前学习的书,还不太熟练,内容虽然不高深,但对我来说也算是蛮难的,加油(no.There is nothing I can do to change my mind.Because I will get it.I hope I will never give in)