- 教主的EXE文件捆绑器的源代码,把多个exe文件打包成1个exe同时运行-leader of the EXE file bundled with the source code, a number of exe files packaged into an exe Running
- 全国物流网交流平台是一款应用于网络的CS结构的物流信息交流软件。该软件用于物流信息的浏览和发布,同时具有及时通讯功能和语音交流功能,再配套上极地工作室精心设计的算法和美观的页面,以及容易操作的特性,使得改软件成为同类产品中的佼佼者。-National Logistics Network is a platform for the exchange of network used in the structure of the CS logistics information exchange s
- 很好的一个关于算法中旅行售货的vc编程,对于学习windows编程又很大帮主-on a good algorithm travel Perhaps vc programming, learning Windows programming another great leader.
- 管理系统,有会员和非会员区别。很有用。有业务表表,会员报表等-management system, members and non-members distinction. Very useful. Business leader, Member statements
- 客户名称: Lee 项目名称(vs. 问题定义): 人机对战五子棋 (V1.0) 产品型号: SG-001a 项目负责人: pear 一、功能说明:(vs. 需求分析) 二、实现计划:试用软件播种法,3个月。 三、总体设计: 1.0版,实现人工智能。 四、详细设计: -customer name : Lee Title of the project (vs. definitions) : man-machine players 331 (V
- 这是RarnuC的Exe程序。是百度编程群老大Rarnu的个人作品。希望大家喜欢。-This is the Exe RarnuC procedures. Baidu is the leader Rarnu programming group of individuals works. Hope you like them.
- written as well. 8.Strong leadership skills to keep the team motivated and focused at all times to meet customer deliverables. 9. Experience in managing a team of developers as their technical leader Nice to have requirements: Proven e
- 详细介绍了有关windown界面编程的按钮环节,可以仔细的研究,对日后成为这一领域的领军人物有自管重要的作用-Details on programming interface windown button links, and be more careful study of the future as a leader in this field have an important role in self-management
- 这是一本好书,我找了很久才找到的哦 最后花钱才下载到的,拿出来共享 Code Leader Using People, Tools, and Processes to Build Successful Software Patrick Cauldwell 做软件行业主管必须看的书,我看过了,一定错不了-This is a good book, I am looking for a long time to find the money before the last oh
- 5名基督*和15名异*同乘一船航行,途中风浪大作,危机万分,领航者告诉大家,只要将全船的一半投入海中,其余人就能幸免.大家都赞同这个 办法,并协定这30人围成一圈,由第一个人起报数,每数至第9人便把他投入海中,下一个接着从1开始报数,第9人又被投入海中,依次循环,直至剩下15 人为止-5 Christians and 15 pagans with a ship sailing by the way, big waves, extreme crisis, leader tells
- 期末,班长决定将剩余班费x元钱(x>7),用于购买若干支钢笔奖励给一些学习好、表现好的同学。已知商店里有3种钢笔,他们的单价为6元,5元,4元。班长想买尽量多的笔(鼓励尽量多的同学),同时他又不想有剩余钱。请您编写一程序,帮他制定出一种买笔的方案。 -The end of the team leaders decided that the remaining class fee x yuan (x> 7), for the purchase of a number of awa
- 某公司选领导,现有3个侯选人,有50位选民。请设计一个程序,计算选票,选出胜利者,并打印出他们的选票数。-Select a company leader, the existing 3 candidates have 50 electors. Please design a program to calculate the votes to elect the winner, and print out their ballots.
- 一、包装材料组组长岗位职责: 1、对包装材料收货员、发货员的日常工作安排、工作监督检查负责; 2、对所有入出库包装材料的质量、数量符合状态负责; 3、负责与采购部及包装车间等部门的协调沟通工作; 4、对仓库物料的合理放置工作负责; 5、对所开单据及报表的准确性负责,定期做好与财务部门的对账工作。 -First, the packaging materials team leader job responsibilities: 1, member of the pack
- VBA是 Visual Basic for Application 的缩写,是一种应用程序自动化语言。-VBA is Visual Basic for Application of the abbreviation, is an application automation language.
- 用c++编写的选票系统,并可统计相关得票情况-#include <iostream> using namespace std struct Person//声明结构体类型Person; { char name[20] int count } int main() { Person leader[3]={"aaa",0,"bbb",0,"ccc",0} //定义Person类型的数组,内容为当前候选人的姓名及得票数;
- 黑色技术蠕虫下载者[完整源码]作者:教主信息来源:邪恶八进制信息安全团队(www.eviloctal.com)作者网站::黑色技术 www.Rootkit.com.cn公开源码用于编程交流。利用此代码修改或传播与作者无任何关系。 已通过测试。 -Black worm that those who download the complete source code] Author: leader of sources of information: the evil the octal inf
- 15名基督*和15名异*同乘一船航行,途中风浪大作,危机万分,领航者告诉大家,只要将全船的一半人投入海中,其余人就能幸免。大家都同意这个办法,并协定者30人围成一圈;由第一个人起报数,每数至第9人便把他投入海中,下一个接着从1开始报数,第9人又被投入海中,依次循环,直至剩下15人为止。问题是如何排法使投入海中的人全为异*?-15 Christians and 15 pagans by a ship sailing the way storm comes up, the extreme of
- Leader selection for user by matlab
Leader-Follower Matlab simulate
- 多智能体仿真,有一个领导者和四个跟随者,最终状态达成一致收敛(Multi agent simulation, with one leader and four followers, the final state reaches a consensus convergence)
leader-following 自适应动态规划仿真
- 本代码运用自适应动态规划理论,结合BP神经网络,设计实现多智能体系统的一致控制。其中的控制率是由HDP框架的BP神经网络基于智能体的实时状态数据自适应产生的。(leader-following consensus by adaptive dynamic programming)