- Face Recognition Library === === === === Advanced face recognition DLL using two functions : Train and Recognize. Uses neural net back propogation alogorithm with more AI tools added for imaging optimization. Library works great even for a lo
- 这是一个关于图像处理的程序,能够将像素比较低的图像变成分辨率高的图像.-This is a matter of image processing procedures, can be relatively low-pixel high resolution image into the image.
- SCP1000 pressure sensors from VTI are the highest accuracy absolute pressure sensor in the industry, offering both a 1.5Pa resolution and low <10µ A current consumption at the same time. Compact component size, being only 6.1mm in diameter and
- 一种低频信号源的源码程序 最大频率达到1mhz,设置分辨率在0.1hz 具有超出保护功-A source of low-frequency signal source program to achieve maximum frequency 1mhz, set up with a resolution in excess of the protection of reactive 0.1hz
- Vc++编制的图像融合程序,主要实现高分辨率的双色图像和低分辨率的彩色图像的融合 -Vc++ compiled image fusion procedures, mainly for high-resolution color images and the integration of low-resolution color images
- Theora is a free and open video compression format from the Xiph.org Foundation. Like all our multimedia technology it can be used to distribute film and video online and on disc without the licensing and royalty fees or vendor lock-in associated wit
- 倾角传感器可以用来测量相对于水平面的倾角变化量。在工程测量的许多领域,倾斜角传感器都被广泛的施以应用,是一种非常重要的测量装置。 传统的倾角传感器易受噪声干扰,信噪比低,分辨率低,灵敏度低 、尺寸大,响应慢、不便携带。因此开发智能型倾角仪就成为了必然趋势。-Tilt sensor can be used to measure the angle relative to the horizontal variation. In many areas of engineering survey, t
- 超分辨率复原(分成1024块)将样本库中的高分辨率图象与低分辨率图象分别做分块处理,当新新输入一幅低分辨率图象时,分成小块到样本库中寻找最匹配的高分辨率块,然后复原出高分辨率图象。 -Superresolution (into 1024) sample library of high-resolution images with low resolution images, respectively, do sub-block processing, when a low-resolutio
- 低分辨率的提取算法,将图像经过退化模型生成LR图像-Low resolution extraction algorithm, LR image degradation model generates image
- Head Pose Estimation on Low Resolution Images using matlab
- VB打印设置程序,可设置:打印质量、进纸方式、打印纸规格等。打印纸张规格类似于: Combo1.AddItem "信笺,8 1/2 x 11 英寸" Combo1.AddItem "+A611小型信笺,8 1/2 x 11 英寸" Combo1.AddItem "小型报,11 x 17 英寸" Combo1.AddItem "分类帐,17 x 11 英寸" Combo1.AddItem "法律文件, 8 1/2 x 14 英寸"
- pca图像融合代码,高分辨率和低分辨率的融合-pca fusion image fusion, high resolution and low resolution
- 实现高分辨率遥感图像和低分辨率图像的融合算法的研究源代码-To achieve high-resolution remote sensing image fusion algorithm and a low-resolution image of the source code for research
- This code mainly for image enhancement. Here we are apply seeded region growing to segment foreground and background. And enhance the foreground part alone using. Finally we combined the foreground and background part. Code very suitable for medical
- 通过四邻域方法获得低分辨率图像,用双线性插值和邻域插值进行超分辨率图像重建-The low resolution image is obtained by the four neighborhood method, and the super resolution image is reconstructed by the bilinear interpolation and the neighborhood interpolation.
- This program can change the resolution of your secondary display (!) to low resolution modes like 320x240, 400x300 depending on your available VESA modes.
- Single image superresolution is a classic and active image processing problem, which aims to generate a high-resolution (HR) image a low-resolution input image. Due to the severely under-determined nature of this problem, an effective image p
- 对高分辨率的灰度图像和低分辨率的彩色图像进行IHS融合,得到像素相对较高的彩色图像(The high resolution gray image and the low resolution color image are fused by IHS, and the relatively high color image is obtained)
VLR Face recognition_articles
- the most recent and relevant papers (since 2014) which might help you to make a state of art and read about the recent researches in low resolution face recognition field
- 基于视频的超分辨率重建是指从许多帧连续的低分辨率图像中重建出一幅高分辨率的图像,并且这幅高分辨率的图像能够显示出单帧低分辨率图像中丢掉的细节(Super-resolution reconstruction based on video refers to the reconstruction of a high resolution image from a number of consecutive low resolution images, and this high resolution