ipsec vpn相关rfc集
- IPsec VPN的RFC文档集合: RFC 2401 《Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol》 RFC 2402 《IP Authentication Header》 RFC 2406 《IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)》 RFC 2407 《The Internet IP Security Domain of Interpretation for ISAKMP》 RFC
- This gives examples of Session Descr iption Protocol (SDP) offer/answer exchanges. Examples include codec negotiation and selection, hold and resume, and addition and deletion of media streams. The examples show multiple media types, bidirec
- directshow的一个例子。 This sample illustrates format negotiation and the use of the source filter base classes CSource and CSourceStream.
- 人们之间要相互交往、改善关系、协商问题,就要进行谈判.企业销售产品、购买材料、职工调动工作、政府的外交联系、国家间的和平协定,甚至是家庭纠纷等,都可以成为谈判的内容.谈判的进程、谈判内容的商榷要围绕着事先拟定的谈判日程进展。如何把谈判的议程与谈判主题、谈判要点紧密结合起来。-Interaction between people to improve their relationship, consultation questions, it is necessary to negotiate.
- 随着中国加入WTO,全球经济一体化的逐步深入,网上书店已是现代传统书店必不可少的经营策略。目前,网上书店在国际互联网上可以实现的商务功能已经多样化,可以说从最基本的对外沟通展示功能、信息发布功能,在线图书展示功能、在线洽谈功能、在线交易功能、在线采购功能、在线客户服务功能、在线网站管理功能等等,几乎以往传统书店功能都可以在互联网上进行电子化的高效运作。 技术的进步对传统书店上网解决方案提出更严格的要求和挑战。为了保护传统书店的投资,书店上网解决方案应切合传统书店实际的需求和发展的趋向,
- 一个基于信任协商的开源聊天软件,软件中分别包含客户端和服务器端,通过两者互相交换证书,从而建立信任关系可以聊天-a software based on trust negotiation
- AI: automated negotiation review
- 在城域网交换机日常维护中经常会发现,一些申告有丢包、大延时甚至瞬间 中断的以太网专线接入故障中都是因为交换机端口设置不规范,将速率和双工模 式设成了自动协商,如果光电收发器和用户端口也都设置为这一状态,那么会导 致使用设置为10Mbps/100Mbps 自适应的光收发器和用户端网卡用户,实际接入 速率为全双工100Mbps,这样的话该用户的实际吞吐能力可达到200Mbps;另一 方面,因有些光收发器或用户端设备不具备自协商功能或被设置为10Mbps (100Mbps) 全
- Agents in multiagent systems are concurrent autonomous entities that need to coordinate and to cooperate so as to perform their tasks (buying items on the Internet or retrieving information, for instance). These coordination and cooperation tasks
- 基于VB环境的mscomm控件串口通信,用户可以设置波特率,采用自动协商机制。-The mscomm control serial communication based on the VB environment, the user can set the baud rate, auto-negotiation mechanism.
- SPIN(SENSOR PROTOCOL FOR INFORMATION VIA negotiation)IS A FAMILY OF PROTOCOLS USED TO efficiently disseminate information in a wireless sensor network. Nodes running SPIN assign a high-level name to their data, called meta-data, and perform meta-data
- SPIN(SENSOR PROTOCOL FOR INFORMATION VIA negotiation)IS A FAMILY OF PROTOCOLS USED TO efficiently disseminate information in a wireless sensor network. Nodes running SPIN assign a high-level name to their data, called meta-data, and perform meta-data
- SPIN(SENSOR PROTOCOL FOR INFORMATION VIA negotiation)IS A FAMILY OF PROTOCOLS USED TO efficiently disseminate information in a wireless sensor network. Nodes running SPIN assign a high-level name to their data, called meta-data, and perform meta-data
- 基于.net的一个网站,注册,登录,发布需求,发布标书,申请议标,等功能-A.Net based website, registration, login, distribute, publish tenders, apply for negotiation, etc.