- 函数名称: DelayMS ** 功能描述: 长软件延时 ** 输 入: i : 延时参数,值越大时延时越久 ** ** 输 出: 无 ** 全局变量: 无 ** 调用模块: 无 ** ** 作 者: 叶皓贲-function name : DelayMS ** function descr iption : long delay software ** input : i : Delay parameters, the greater the valu
- 关于mapx的表现非常好,请放心使用Tracing not turned on. Tns error struct: nr err code: 0 ns main err code: 12541 TNS-12541: TNS:无监听器 ns secondary err code: 12560 nt main err code: 511 TNS-00511: 无监听器 nt secondary err code: 61 nt OS err co
- 模块名称:ADO树型数据显示控件 v1.0 修改日期:2005.10.11 作者: 蒋文杰 三江文杰工作室 用途: 此为与ADO数据库捆绑在一起的专用显示数据库中树型结构表的控件, 要求数据库中的表要与控件同构,数据库控件必须用ADOquery, 表中的树型数据的字段要有: 1、唯一标识的结点ID号,整型,从1开始; 2、结点名称,字串型; 3、父结点的ID号,整型,0为没有父结点; 4、树型结点是否是叶子结点,是为0(默认),
- 模块名称:ADO树型数据显示控件 v1.0 修改日期:2005.10.11 作者: 蒋文杰 三江文杰工作室 用途: 此为与ADO数据库捆绑在一起的专用显示数据库中树型结构表的控件, 要求数据库中的表要与控件同构,数据库控件必须用ADOquery, 表中的树型数据的字段要有: 1、唯一标识的结点ID号,整型,从1开始; 2、结点名称,字串型; 3、父结点的ID号,整型,0为没有父结点; 4、树型结点是否是叶子结点,是为0(默认),
- === === === === === === === ==== Zarr s VB Website http://www.zarr.net/vb === === === === === === === ==== This sample piece of VB code has come from Zarr s VB Website at http://www.zarr.net/vb Zarr s VB Website is one of the Internet s
- 这是一个Windows Console程序,可以PE文件中所有的资源一次性通通取出来,存放在以文件名命名的目录中,支持用通配符指定多个文件,并且,可以指定/s参数以搜索子目录。 This program enumerates and extracts resources in DLLs or EXEs,etc. Syntax: EnumRes [/[e][s]] [filename ...] /e To extract resources. /s To searc
- Recently, one of the projects that I m working on required showing some variable data, like signal strength, signal to noise ratio etc. As usual, I dived into Code Project, confident that I ll find a solution. I did find some, as expected, but unfort
- Recently, one of the projects that I m working on required showing some variable data, like signal strength, signal to noise ratio etc. As usual, I dived into Code Project, confident that I ll find a solution. I did find some, as expected, but unfort
- 一个可以改变static文本框字体、大小、颜色的类 enum FlashType {None, Text, Background } class CLabel : public CStatic { // Construction public: CLabel() CLabel& SetBkColor(COLORREF crBkgnd) CLabel& SetTextColor(COLORREF crText) CLabel& SetTex
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- EnableGroupboxControls is a function I have used in several projects, where I wanted to enable/disable all the controls within a groupbox. There are several other solutions to this problem here on CodeProject - I have included a list here. None of th
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- TextPrinter public TextPrinter() { printDoc = new PrintDocument() printDoc.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(InternalPrintPage) m_Font = SystemFonts.DefaultFont m_TitleFont = SystemFonts.CaptionFont m_TitleType
- 一个条形码生成程序,可以生成 CODE128,CODE39,EAN13,EAN8等类型的条形码. 无需其他控件,演示程序支持预览和复制到剪切板等功能.-a generating programm of bar code ,it can generate CODE128,CODE39,EAN13,EAN8 and so on.it need none other components,and can showing programm regists preview and copy to clip
- 换位密码的加密策略及程序实现
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- 从文件读取文法并判断文法中的终结符和非终结符,并输出-none
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- CSS代码示例- display 属性分别为block, inline, none 值时的显示区别-CSS code sample- display property were block, inline, none display the difference between values