- Displays raw data of figure plots in separate spreadsheet tables
- 绘散点图,x,y,z,x和y确定坐标, z确定颜色级别-Painted scatter, x, y, z, x and y determine the coordinates, z-level to determine color
- 将内存的数据通过屏幕进行绘图,主要是折线图,在升级版中可以做各种图形或表格-plot graph on display
- 线性感知机,机器学习相关,基于matlab仿真-Files included in this exercise ex1.m- Octave scr ipt that will help step you through the exercise ex1 multi.m- Octave scr ipt for the later parts of the exercise ex1data1.txt- Dataset for linear regression with one vari
- 逻辑回归,机器学习相关内容,内有说明,基于matlab仿真-ex2.m- Octave scr ipt that will help step you through the exercise ex2 reg.m- Octave scr ipt for the later parts of the exercise ex2data1.txt- Training set for the rst half of the exercise ex2data2.txt- Training s
- 支持向量机,实现2或多分类,基于matlab仿真,内有说明-ex6.m- Octave scr ipt for the rst half of the exercise ex6data1.mat- Example Dataset 1 ex6data2.mat- Example Dataset 2 ex6data3.mat- Example Dataset 3 svmTrain.m- SVM rraining function svmPredict.m- SVM p
machine learning_ex1_simple
- 第二周的简单机器学习答案。。。。。。。。。。。。。(warmUpExercise.m plotData.m gradientDescent.m computeCost.m For this part of the exercise, you will need to change some parts of the code below for various experiments (e.g., changing learning rates)