- 此软件可以计算介质材料中孔隙大小的分布统计-This software can calculate the dielectric material in the pore size distribution statistics
- Dilatant geornaterials, i.e. fissured rocks, dense sands, stiff clays, increase the porosity when subjected to sufficiently high deviatoric stresses. If these materials are saturated with a pore fluid and the pore volume increases more rapidly th
- 模拟小孔衍射实验,可任意控制孔半径大小,得到小孔衍射模拟图像、光量等高线分布图、小孔衍射的3D模拟图-Analog pinhole diffraction experiments, may optionally control the size of the pore radius obtained pinhole diffraction simulation image, the light amount and contour maps, pinhole diffraction 3D sim
- 将电镜扫描图片分块化后统计各分块孔隙密度,获得扫描区域内孔隙率分布矩阵,将矩阵进行三维样条曲面插值,绘制相应的等高线,并保存为图片。(After the electron microscope scanning image is divided into blocks, the pore density of each block is calculated, and the porosity distribution matrix in the scanning area is obtaine
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- 孔隙网络模型广泛应用于多孔介质的微观模拟中,已经可以较好地实现对渗流参数的定量预 测,并用来描述微观渗流过程。首先对孔隙网络模型建立方法和孔隙空间描述作了扼要介绍,总结了 准静态和动态两类孔隙网络模型的特征及应用范围,(The pore network model is widely used in the microscopic simulation of porous media, and it can be used to quantitatively predict the seepag
- 实验可以用,主要应用于数字岩心的建立,基于马尔科夫链法,建立孔隙网络模型(Experiment can be used, mainly used in the establishment of the digital core, based on the markov chain method, the pore network model is established)
- 能够导入到FLUENT中,基于雷诺数计算传热系数(UDF can be imported into fluent. UDF for interface heat transfer coefficient base on the pore Reynolds number)