- 介绍了如何在Delphi中读写ini的方法和MEMO实现自动滚屏的方法-described how the Delphi method to read and write ini and MEMO automatic Scroll of
- Drag and Drop Component Suite Version 4.1 Field test 5, released 16-dec-2001 ?1997-2001 Angus Johnson & Anders Melander http://www.melander.dk/delphi/dragdrop/ ------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: ----------------------
- TPanelClock -一个VCL组件是提供时间日期,数量,和滚动关键状态。当您按下此组件(在运行时) ,它将切换到免费的GDI显示,系统和用户资源。-{ TPanelClock- a VCL component that is provides time-of-date, NUM, CAPS, and } { Scroll Key Statuses. When you click on this component (at run-time), it } { will s
- 滚动条的开发,通过rgb三种颜色的变换来控制总颜色的变换-Scroll bar development, through the transformation of three colors rgb to control the overall color change
- 捕捉电脑鼠标事件,用于delphi滚动条事件-Computer mouse event capture for delphi scroll bar event
- delphi编写的界面滚动提示小程序,提示消息在界面滚动显示。内附详细源码-delphi tips prepared by rolling a small interface program that prompts the news scroll in the interface. Source containing more
- 本实例源码向Delphi初学者演示TSpinButtor组件的具体使用方法,TSpinButtor组件是一个位图形成的滚动按钮,用于连续改变某个数据-The instance source to Delphi beginners demonstrate TSpinButtor components the specific use method, TSpinButtor components scroll button is a bitmap for the continuous change
- Delphi窗口字幕滚动的源码,在窗体中实现文字滚动,点击窗体中的按钮可控制文字滚动、停止,需要窗体文字滚动的可参考哦。-Delphi source code window scroll subtitle achieve scrolling text in a form, click the Forms button control text scrolling, stop, you need to refer to the form of text scrolling oh.
- Delphi拖动图片不出现滚动条,操作技巧:左键先单击下图片后,可以框选放大,左键双击还原至原始状态。不会出现滚动条。 -Delphi drag the picture scroll bar does not appear, operating skills: After the first click the left button under the picture, you can marquee zoom in, double-click the left button to res