- fir数字滤波器,老师在课堂上讲的内容,解压缩后格式是PPT-fir digital filter the content of speech in the classroom, after extracting PPT format
- 基于MATLAB的语音信号处理之滤波器设计-MATLAB-based speech signal processing of the filter design
- COLEA is a Matlab Speech Processing Toolkit with a graphical user interface. This program can be used to edit speech waveforms (cut, copy or paste selected speech segments) and compute spectrogramss. It includes several speech related tools incl
- 运用低通滤波器,中心削波和自相关技术估计一段男性和女性语音信号的基音周期,画出基音轨迹曲线,给出估计准确率。-The use of low-pass filter, the center clipping and related technologies is estimated from a male and female speech signal pitch period, pitch trajectory drawn curves of estimated accuracy.
- Used on cellular phones to filter out background noise. Measure the signal to noise ratio of an audio input in realtime. Pass speech but give silence where the input is noise (hiss, snap crackle and pop). Includes a tutorial on how to use sta
- 基于 MATLAB 的语音信号分析与处理的课程设计.录制一段自己的语音信号,并对录制的信号进行采样;画出采样后语音信号的时域波形和频谱图;给定滤波器的性能指标,采用窗函数法或双线性变换设计滤波器,并画出滤波器的频率响应;然后用自己设计的滤波器对采集的语音信号进行滤波,画出滤波后信号的时域波形和频谱,并对滤波前后的信号进行对比,分析信号的变化;回放语音信号-MATLAB-based voice signal analysis and processing of the curriculum. Re
- 1)语音信号的采集 2)语音信号的频谱分析 3)设计高通、低通数字滤波器和画出其频率响应 4)用滤波器对信号进行滤波 5)比较滤波前后语音信号的波形及频谱 6)播放原始语音信号 7)实现快放、慢放功能 8)实现回音音效效果 9)实现变高音、低音效果 10)设计GUI系统界面 -1) voice signal acquisition 2) speech signal spectrum analysis 3) design high-pass, low pas
- 本程序源码界面实现的是在MATLAB下的语音信号处理理,使用是巴特沃斯低通滤波器 可直接使用。 已通过测试。 -The source interface of the program implemented under the MATLAB speech signal processing management, the use of a Butterworth low-pass filter can be used directly. Has been tested.
- 该程序是卡曼滤波法在语音处理上的应用用,能有效的去除噪声,达到语音增强的目的! -The program is the Kalman filter on the voice processing applications, can effectively remove the noise, to achieve the purpose of speech enhancement
- 实现有限冲击响应滤波器,很完善,很好用,功能很强。。只要输入语音或音频文件及滤波器系数,就可得到结果。 -Realization of finite impulse response filter is perfect, easy to use and highly functional. . Results can be obtained as long as the input speech or audio files and filter coefficients.
- 设计GUI界面,方便用户录制原始语音信号,加入噪声并选择滤波器滤除噪声。-Designed GUI interface, user-friendly recording of the original speech signal, adding noise and select a filter to filter out noise.
- 用matlab实现的语音增强系统,基于维纳滤波的基础,可以编译通过,很好使-Using matlab speech enhancement system, based on the basis of the Wiener filter, can be compiled by, so good! ! ! ! !
- GFCC is used to find features using gammatone filter for speech features extraction
- 语音信号可视化滤波设计 简单的加躁和滤波,界面设计很傻-Visual speech signal plus noise filter design is simple and filtering, interface design silly
- 进入实验界面后,按“输入语音信号”按钮,录入语音信号的数据。对数据进行频谱分析,给出语音信号的波形图和频谱图。设置系统的截止频率,选择给定的系统类型,建立系统函数,并画出系统的频响图。 5. 语音信号频谱与滤波器频响相乘(即对语音信号进行高、低通滤波),得到输出信号的频谱,将所得结果经过傅里叶反变换函数变换为时域信号,绘出处理后信号的波形图,并分别存档。-Into the experimental interface, press " input speech signal"
- 第7章语音信号的减噪176 7.1自适应滤波器减噪176 7.1.1LMS算法基本原理176 7.1.2基本LMS自适应算法178 7.1.3LMS的自适应陷波器181 7.2谱减法减噪184 7.2.1基本谱减法184 7.2.2改进的谱减法187 7.3维纳滤波法减噪195 7.3.1维纳滤波的基本原理195 7.3.2维纳滤波减噪的具体步骤和函数WienerScalart96197 7.3.3维纳滤波的MATLAB例子1-Noise Chapte
- 使用c++语言,利用小波算法对原始语音信号进行高效滤波-Using c++ language, the use of the wavelet algorithm to filter the original speech signal efficiently
- matlab 读取一段wav格式文件,进行试听,频率检测和语音信号的分析,再进行噪声处理,IIR低通滤波,IIR高通滤波,FIR低通滤波,FIR高通滤波,最后输出处理过的语音信号并试听处理过的语音文件。-Matlab read a wav format file, audition, frequency detection and analysis of speech signals, and noise, IIR low pass filter, IIR high pass filter, F
- 该文档为一实际的自适应维纳滤波器设计实验,可用于语音信号消噪与图像滤波,为传统维纳滤波器的改进。-This document is a practical adaptive Wiener filter design of experiments, the speech signal can be used to eliminate noise and image filtering, to improve the traditional Wiener filter.
- (1)设计低通、带通、高通数字滤波器; (2)可以对合成信号(含低频、中频、高频分量)、语音信号进行滤波; (3)通过GUI界面进行控制。-(1) design low pass, band pass, high pass digital filter (2) can be synthesized signal (including the low frequency, medium frequency, high frequency components), filtered s