- H.264编码环中的去块效应滤波系统.PDF-H.264 coding loop to block the effect of filtering system. PDF
ringsdk.zip 基于C++语言的应用程序开发类库
- RingSDK 是一个基于C++语言的应用程序开发类库,与OWL、MFC相比,在图象处理与界面方面有所加强。 Operating System: Windows Programming Language: Assembly, C, C,RingSDK is based on the C language application procedure development class storehouse, with OWL, MFC compares, has in the imagery
- Integrated pressure sensor (9x9 mm) Pressure range 10-1100 mbar 15 Bit ADC 6 coefficients for a software compensation stored on-chip 3-wire serial interface 1 system clock line (32.768 kHz) Temperature range -40..+125癈 Low vo
- 人脸检测系统,利用opencv开发的人脸检测程序-Face Detection system, developed using opencv face detection process
- H.323最新完全版的源代码,包括例程说明. 为了能在不保证QoS的分组交换网络上展开多媒体会议,由ITU的第15研究组SG-15于1996年通过H.323建议的第一版,并在1998年提出了H.323的第二版。H.323制定了无QoS(服务质量)保证的分组网络PBN(packet Based Networks)上的多媒体通信系统标准,这些分组网络主宰了当今的桌面网络系统,包括基于TCP/IP、IPX分组交换的以太网、快速以太网、令牌网、FDDI技术。因此,H.323标准为LAN、WAN
- This routine scans system.h file and generates a referencelist for all USE_ entries it uses IFDEF / IFNDEF for decisions.-This routine scans system.h file and generates a referencelist for all USE_ entries it uses IFDEF/IFNDEF for decisions.
- 实时显示系统CPU和内存的小程序。对NT和9X进行分别获取系统实时信息,并有百分比方图。-Real-time display system CPU and memory applet. Of NT and 9X for real-time information acquisition system, respectively, and the percentage of party plans.
- 传说中的黑魔书,高速电路设计讲的比较好的。对于低速电路设计者没有用处。-High-Speed Digital System Design—A Handbook of Interconnect Theory and Design Practices Stephen H. Hall Garrett W. Hall James A. McCall
- 在cvm中实现dos的滚屏打印方式,并在cvm.h 的基础上增加了诸多实用的函数,包括一些图形界面的函数,所带的五笔输入法可以打词,比系统自带的只能打单个字的要方便很多。 只有dos.h文件是用户用的头文件; 用法如下: #include "dos.h" void dos() /*相当于main*/ { } 用户不能用main,因为main已经在dos.obj里了; dos.obj 的生成:dos.c 和其他的.h文件用于生成dos.obj ,只要 cvm.
- 操作系统课程设计,NIDS驱动、内存管理、生产者消费者程序、虚拟磁盘-Operating system, curriculum design, NIDS drive, memory management, program producers and consumers, the virtual disk
- 数据库大作业设计,实现学生教务管理系统,管理学生信息-Great job database design, implementation, student educational management system to manage student information
- This source code is the 32point FFT(Fast Fourier Transform) for Real Time sampling system (like PQ meter or Digital Relay). The complex computation is realized without complex.h in this code, based on only C. -This source code is the 32point FFT(Fast
- Dos下的用画图系统,用graph.h编写。能编译成功但是在AMD内核的环境下有可能运行不了。-Drawing system used under Dos with graph.h prepared. However, AMD can successfully compile the kernel may not run under.
- 这个EPROCESS结构在ntddk.h中有定义,但是并未给出具体的结构,因此要得到EPROCESS中一些重要的成员变量,只能通过偏移的方法,比如PID,ImageName等.这些偏移可以在Windbg中dt _EPROCESS得到,但是不公开感觉还是不爽,而且这东西在不同的系统版本中不一样,如果要兼容的话,就必须先判断操作系统版本,遍历EPROCESS中的进程-The ntddk.h EPROCESS structure are defined, but did not give a spec
- Ring3系统消息钩子管理功能的实现,上传CPP以及.H,简单,给需要的人-Ring3 system message hook management functionality, as well as upload CPP. H, simple, to those who need
- it will be useful when a system is trying to out data and another is trying to received data.
- it will be useful when a system is trying to out data and another is trying to received data.
Chuy?n ??i các h? c? s? C#
- system conversion in C#
H+ui后台框架 V4.1.0
- H+是一个完全响应式,基于Bootstrap3.3.6最新版本开发的扁平化主题,她采用了主流的左右两栏式布局,使用了Html5+CSS3等现代技术,她提供了诸多的强大的可以重新组合的UI组件,并集成了最新的jQuery版本(v2.1.4),当然,也集成了很多功能强大,用途广泛的jQuery插件,她可以用于所有的Web应用程序,如网站管理后台,网站会员中心,CMS,CRM,OA等等,当然,您也可以对她进行深度定制,以做出更强系统。 当前版本:v4.1.0(H+ is a complete r
- h自动采集源码,内置采集系统无需上传资源(H automatic acquisition source, built-in collection system without uploading resources)