good fet
- The GoodFET is an open-source JTAG adapter, loosely based upon the TI MSP430 FET UIF and EZ430U boards, as described in their documentation. See Improving the MSP430 FET on Travis Goodspeed's blog for further information. In addition to JTAG, the
- MSP430仿真器上EEPROM数据的烧写程序,单片机MSP430F1612。-MSP430 emulator programmer on EEPROM data procedures, microcontroller MSP430F1612.
- 嵌入式平台(手机)的全套界窗体机制。这个是原来三星手机用的一个朗讯实验室的手机平台,把整个用户交互接口(人机界面)层的代码都贴上来了。这个特点是处理机制跟Windows及其相似,非常利于嵌入式开发。-Embedded platform (mobile) form a complete community system.
- LSD-FET430UIF_V2.1 (USB-based MSP430 emulator) xp Driver-LSD-FET430UIF_V2.1 (USB-based MSP430 emulator)
- UIF 通用输入表修复工具 v1[1].2 FINAL 汉化版\UIF v1.2_CN.rar-ds \ crack Toolkit \ Tool \ PE Tools \ UIF universal input table repair tool v1 [1] .2 FINAL finished version \ UIF v1.2_CN.rar
- 后缀名为.uif的文明用记事本打开会报错。可以用ultraedit编辑打开,下面那个文件就是我已经编辑好的,可以用在神泣单机上(The suffixes are called.Uif's civilized Notepad. You can edit it with UltraEdit, and the following file I've been edited can be used on the sob single.)