- COBF (aka C-Obfuscator) is a program which manipulates C or C++ sourcefiles in a way that they aren t readable by human beings but they remain compilable. The benefit of COBF lies in the distribution of programs (freeware, shareware, commercial softw
- The STEPNCWrite library writes STEP-NC toolpath data (AP-238 CC1). This C++ library is completely open-source and has been released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The library writes data in XML format (ISO 10303-28) using just prin
- php开发的行业搜索系统!!! 2. 安装 ------------ a. 解压程序rar文件,用二进制方式上传到你的网站的根目录或某一目录下 注意:一定要将ftp上传工具设置为二进制方式,再上传程序文件 b. unix或linux服务器下, 将以下文件属性改为:666 (或777) - function/base_info.php - function/emphasis_info.php - function/admin_p
- Intercom 是一个 Unix系统上灵活的语音传输软件。支持标准音频压缩比如GSM, G.711, and G.72x和其他音频编码。Intercom专为高速网络设计来传输高品质的语音,也支持窄带传输。-Intercom is a Unix system flexible voice transmission software. Support audio compression standards such as GSM, G.711, and G.72x and other audio
- C++ compile tool. it is necessary for developing c++ on Unix or Linux system. -C++ Compile tool. It is necessary for developing c++ On Unix or Linux system.
- Unix-Shell编程全文电子书 作者:(Stephen G Kochan& Patrick Wood)-Unix-Shell:Full text Author:(Stephen G Kochan& Patrick Wood)
- Unix/Linux下进程进度条显示代码,适用于程序初始化较长时间,用g++编译时需要指定pthread库。-Unix/Linux process progress bar shows the code for the program to initialize a long time, need to specify the use g++ compile the pthread library.
- 各种单片机(51、AVR、MSP430、PIC、STM8、STM32)、ARM、DSP、TFT彩屏、C语言,WiFi小车,FPGA、LINUX、机器人,CAD、VB、Protel99、Protues、Unix、UCOSII等各种视频教程超800G-Various microcontroller (51, AVR, MSP430, PIC, STM8, STM32), ARM, DSP, TFT color screen, C language, WiFi car, FPGA, LINUX, ro