- 静态图像中的人体检测技术在驾驶员辅助系统、人体运动捕捉、*图片过滤以及虚拟视频等领域有重要的应用价值。,Static images of the human body detection technology in driver assistance systems, human motion capture, filter pornography and other areas as well as the virtual video has important application va
- 这个源代码是一套比较专业的基于运动物体检测技术的摄像监控安保系统。系统不是很大,但运用的技术很强,比如摄像采集部分使用了微软自带的AviCap32.dll 动态链接库进行摄像数据采集,保存的图像资料使用完全源代码的JPEG、Bitmap类进行图像的快速存储以及剪裁拼接,甚至文字插入等GDI编程。 以上只是这个源代码的技术说明,功能上系统支持对摄像头的一些参数设置,如感光度调节、自动对焦时延、帧速率以及监测到水平运动物体之前马上激活摄像头,这个是这个软件的一大特色可以识别运动的物体,
- 此程序是针对视频中的运动目标的检测,程序中包括了背景建模、背景差法等功能的w4背景建模算法。-This procedure is for the video of the moving target detection, process modeling, including the background, the background difference method and other functions of the background modeling algorithm w4.
- 本文实现了在连续视频数据流中几种不同的运动检测算法,他们都是基于当前帧图像和前一帧图像的比较,程序使用了AForge.NET framework库。其中的示例代码支持下面几种视频格式:AVI文件、网路相机的JPEG和MJPEG,本地的采集设备(USB相机等)。-This article implements a continuous video data stream in several different motion detection algorithms, they are based
- VC++下编写的基于视频的交通路况检测系统,实现了流量、车速、车型检测等功能-Prepared under the VC++ video-based detection system for traffic and road conditions to achieve the flow, speed, vehicle detection,
- 视频演示算法包括: 1. 静态背景下的背景预测法目标检测 2. 静态背景下帧间差分法目标检测 3. Mean Shift目标跟踪方法 4. 重心多目标跟踪方法-Video demo algorithm include: 1 static background background prediction method 2 the static background frame difference method target detection 3 the target
- 无需摄像机标定的摄像机运动跟踪算法 Moving Object Detection Video Surveillance and its Applicationinand Monitoring-Without camera calibration of the camera motion tracking algorithm for Moving Object Detection Video Surveillance and its Applicationinand Monitoring
- vc编写的AVI播放器。可逐帧读取。对视频检测很有用。-vc prepared AVI player. Can be read frame by frame. Very useful for video detection.
- 此代码可以在Visual C++和OpenCV开发环境下对视频图像实现harris角点检测-This code can be Visual C++ And OpenCV development environment for the realization of video images harris corner detection
- Background subtraction, canny edge detection using opencv
- 为了提取区域边界,可以对图像直接运用一阶微商算子或二阶微商算子,然后根据各像点处的微商幅值或其他附加条件判定其是否为边界点。如果图像中含有较强噪声,直接进行微商运算将会出现许多虚假边界点。-.Using the feature of distinct edge contour existing between the text and the background regions in color images, a novel text extraction algorithm—CEMA(Co
- 这是一个很好的motion检测的应用,可以检测连续的照片和视频以及摄像头直接摄取,相信对致力于视频追踪的朋友有用。-This is a very good application of motion detection, can detect a row of photos and video, as well as direct uptake of the camera, I believe that is committed to the video track of useful frie
- 智能视频监控中,用于运动目标检测,效果好,适合从事视频监控方面的研究人员或是初学者学习使用。-it is used in Smart video surveillance for moving target detection,and the performance is good, suitable for video surveillance of researchers or a beginner learning to use.
- There are many approaches for motion detection in a continuous video stream. All of them are based on comparing of the current video frame with one from the previous frames or with something that we ll call background. In this article, I ll try to de
- Review on Vehicle Detection Based on Video for Traffic Surveillance
- OpenCv face detection mouvement in a video
- 移动物体视频检测原代码及其Demo程序。-Moving object video detection of the original code and Demo program.
- Human quest for an automatic detection system of everyday occurrence lead to the necessity of inventing an intelligent surveillance system which will make lives easier as well as enable us to compete with tomorrows technology and on the other
- The purpose of this scr ipt is to average a video across all frames as a first stage of a trajectory-learning algorithm
- video forgery detection