- Softcam是一个名副其实的软件摄像机,它能模拟成为“真实的”摄像机,成功地骗过大部分的视频聊天软件,比如Microsoft Netmeeting、CU-Seeme等等。如此一来,就算我的计算机上并没有摄像设置,也照样能使用这些软件。 运行Softcam 软件后,就可以选择本机内现存的视频动画加以播放,这样聊天的朋友就能看到传播的内容-Softcam is a veritable software cameras, it can be simulated "real" ca
- First of all, there are lots of custom tree controls available so what s the need for this? In one of my projects I happened to use several tree controls to show data objects at different levels and I had to deal with user actions. Each time, my tree
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- 在分析现有算法的基础上, 提出了一种新的算法, 并对其进行了仿真Z仿真结果表明, 无论是 在多径信道还是在AW GN 信道, 该算法的定时估计和频率偏移估计的均方差都要优于最大似然 算法和“集相关”算法Z-O FDM is sen sit ive to t im ing recovery and f requency offset est imat ion, cu rren t non2data2aided est imat ion methods don’t wo rk w ell
- CODE STUDIO C# GDI+ development class Viso fl matlab used in drawing commands i This is the windows QT programmin Program of the curve, a real-time Mouse set control points, draw B- java drawing board simulation win Mastery letter. Lc5 file to be mo