- Wireless Java O Reilly - learning wml & wmlscr ipt O Reilly - learning xml O Reilly - Learning_Python O Reilly - Lingo in a Nutshell O Reilly - Mac OS X Pocket Reference O Reilly - Managing NFS and NIS, 2nd Edition O Reilly - Mastering Algorithms
- 数字图象处理算法的演示, • 图象的DFT和逆DFT • 图象的FFT和逆FFT • 在图象中加入正弦噪声 • 图象的模板运算实现图象平滑和锐化 • 图象的直方图均衡化 • 图象的对比度拉伸 • 图象的中值滤波 • 图象灰度直方图的显示 • 若干频域滤波器 • 图象的镜像 • 图象的旋转(90度与任意角度) • 图象的放缩 &
Matlab 代码
- matlab 在数据挖掘中的代码,包括ID3 等,数据挖掘部分算法的matlab实现-Matlab in data mining code, including ID3, some data mining algorithms to achieve Matlab
- 全国物流网交流平台是一款应用于网络的CS结构的物流信息交流软件。该软件用于物流信息的浏览和发布,同时具有及时通讯功能和语音交流功能,再配套上极地工作室精心设计的算法和美观的页面,以及容易操作的特性,使得改软件成为同类产品中的佼佼者。-National Logistics Network is a platform for the exchange of network used in the structure of the CS logistics information exchange s
- 本程序实现的是一个对于一个给定的数字集合,再给一个数字限制,求得这个集合的所有子集合,使子集合的各个元素之和为给定的数字限制,如果没有这样的子集合,则输入为空! 程序本身运用的是回朔算法,但是值得注意的是,我用的是非递归的形式实现的,所以就显现出了一定的难度. -this program is one for a given set of figures, to give a figure restrictions this assembly obtained all the
- 自己写的一点小程序!关于算法分析的! 最长子序列问题!-himself in a little procedure! Analysis of Algorithms! The longest sequences!
- 本人的计算方法课程作业,内有上十种算法的具体实现,希望对需要的朋友有所帮助-method of calculating operating courses, there are dozens of specific algorithms to achieve, and I hope to have a friend in need of help
- 操作系统调度算法(先来先服务,短作业优先,时间片轮转,响应比优先)-scheduling algorithms operating system (first-come first-serve, short operating priority, time-rotate in response to priority over)
- 这个是八皇后问题的回溯加las vegas算法,为了测试两种算法结合在一起的效率。-This is the Queen's eight retroactive increase in las vegas algorithm, To test two algorithms combined efficiency.
- 1.通过实验加深对快速傅立叶变换(FFT)基本原理的理解。 2.了解FFT点数与频谱分辨率的关系,以及两种加长序列FFT与原序列FFT的关系。 离散傅里叶变换(DFT)和卷积是信号处理中两个最基本也是最常用的运算,它们涉及到信号与系统的分析与综合这一广泛的信号处理领域。实际上卷积与DFT之间有着互通的联系:卷积可化为DFT来实现,其它的许多算法,如相关、滤波和谱估计等都可化为DFT来实现,DFT也可化为卷积来实现。-1. Deepen the experimental fast Fou
- 为SSD5课程《数据结构与算法》中的练习,无需在环境中更改什么。-SSD5 courses for "data structures and algorithms" of the exercises in the environment without any changes.
- 为SSD5课程《数据结构与算法》中的练习,无需在环境中更改什么。-SSD5 courses for "data structures and algorithms" of the exercises in the environment without any changes.
- 为SSD5课程《数据结构与算法》中的练习,无需在环境中更改什么。-SSD5 courses for "data structures and algorithms" of the exercises in the environment without any changes.
- 智能天线自适应波束形成算法的研究,进行了基本算法的改进与运算,大家可以进行参考,以便更好的学习.-smart antenna adaptive beamforming algorithms, the basic algorithm for the improvement and operation, We were able to reference in order to better learning.
- 关于指纹算法的一些文章,对于研究这块的应该有帮助,里面提到好几种算法-fingerprint algorithm on some articles of this research should help, in which he mentions several algorithms
- This a large book, and your class will probably cover only a portion of its material. We have tried, however, to make this a book that will be useful to you now as a course textbook and also later in your career as a mathematical desk reference o
- This article presents one of the most famous hierarchical graph drawing algorithms. Starting from a hierarchical graph we create a population of chromozoms that will be used in a Genetic Algorithm to get the best subjective representation: minimal ed
- Developing consistent and meaningful benchmark results for code is a complex task. In my I discussed how to use Celero to measure the performance of algorithms in C++.
- 模拟页式存储系统,模拟内存的页式管理中FIFO、LRU、LFU、OPT置换算法的实现。-The realization of FIFO, LRU, LFU and OPT replacement algorithms in the page management of analog memory is simulated by the page type storage system.
- 说明 这一段在复习数据结构和算法,有一些零星笔记,在Others这个归类下-That review data structures and algorithms in this passage, there are a few scattered notes, in under the classification of Others