- 程序说明书 一. 各模块的功能: readtxt(),读读者文件writetxt(),写读者文件addreader(reader s) ,添加读者delreader(int number),删除读者searchreader(int number),查找读者readerdata() ,读者数据管理readbtxt(),读图书文件writebtxt(),写图书文件addbook(libook s),添加图书delbook(int number),删除图书searchbook(int number),
sd2000全系列 51汇编程序
- 本程序用于测试实时时钟模块SD2000系列功能之一:四种中断功能 程序功能如下: 1.在SD2000试验板上显示实时时间的小时和分钟? 2./INT1 到指定时刻时输出低电平. 3./INT2输出固定频率32768HZ. 4.测试每分钟边沿中断输出(INT MODE3)和每分钟固定中断输出(INT MODE4)功能-procedures used to test the real-time clock module SD2000 series of functional one : four i
- 1.BOOL OnCommsCreate(CWnd* pParentWnd) 创建串口,本DLL同时创建5个串口。pParentWnd为窗口指针,一般为this。 2. BOOL OnComportOpen() 根据串口设置文件中的设置参数,打开多串口。 3.void OnCommSend(unsigned int uiCom, CString sSendData, unsigned int uiKind) 往指定串口发送数据。其中uiCom为指定的串口,注意串口1的u
- Windows编程基础--窗体篇 现在Windows已经成为世界上使用最广泛的操作系统,这使得学习Windows编程变得十分重要.和学习其他 编程语言一样,我们也从一个最简单的例子开始学习Windows编程.这个例子将建立一个Windows窗体并在窗体中间显示\"HELLO\"字符串(见图1). 1.程序的开始和结束 和C语言中的main()函数一样,Windows程序是从WinMain()函数开始和结束的.WinMain()函数是在WINBASE
- ergydfhgdfhggfhg 一.实验目的 二.实验内容 三、程序简要说明 原 文 : C语言词法分析器的设计与实现 一.实验目的: 1.强化对系统软件综合工程实现能力、规划能力的训练; 2.加强对词法分析原理、方法和基本实现技术的理解; 二.实验内容: 用C语言(或 C++ )作为宿主语言完成: C语言(ANSI C或turbo C 2.0)词法分析器的设计和实现。 三、程序简要说明: 1、属性字说明: 共9种 KE
- 一.实验目的 二.实验内容 三、程序简要说明 原 文 : C语言词法分析器的设计与实现 一.实验目的: 1.强化对系统软件综合工程实现能力、规划能力的训练; 2.加强对词法分析原理、方法和基本实现技术的理解; 二.实验内容: 用C语言(或 C++ )作为宿主语言完成: C语言(ANSI C或turbo C 2.0)词法分析器的设计和实现。 三、程序简要说明: 1、属性字说明: 共9种 KEYWORD: 关键字 \"auto\
- VB应用技巧 1.int文件的读写 2.如何取得计算机名 3.计算Windows从启动后所运行的总时间-1.int VB application skills to read and write two papers. How to get the computer name three. Calculation Window s from the start after running total time
- #include <stdio.h> unsigned long int crc32_table[256] unsigned long int ulPolynomial = 0x04c11db7 unsigned long int Reflect(unsigned long int ref, char ch) { unsigned long int value(0) // 交换bit0和bit7,bit1和bit6,类推 for(int i = 1
- bool termination_point bool neighbor3by3 /* true means 3x3 neighborhood, false means 5x5 neighborhood */ int grad_mag[500][500] /* Magnitude of Gradient */ int m_Cols /* Number of Columns */ int m_Rows /* Number of Rows */ int no_of_s
- 用TURBOC2.0 编写的在没有汉字系统的DOS下显示汉字的函数,(调用函数:int outhz(int x,int y,char *p,int color),p为所要显示的字符串首址),使用UCDOS的汉字库。-TURBOC2.0 prepared with the Chinese character system in the absence of the DOS display Chinese characters function (function call : int outhz
- #include \"stdio.h\" #include \"malloc.h\" #define TRUE 1 #define n 39 #define max 500 typedef struct { char p[n] float w[n][n] }graph graph *ga2 int visit[n] int path[n][n] float C[n][n] float A[n][n] -#includ
- 算法的基本思路是: 定义结构体:struct PLACE{int x, int y}表示棋盘上的位置。 依题意,马每跳一步之后都可以从七个不同的方向选择下一步的跳马,当然,前提是跳的这一步在棋盘内且它前面的任何一步都没跳到这一格子上(限界),就可以认为这一步跳成功,否则跳马不成功。若跳马不成功,则找下一个方向尝试跳马,若七个方向都跳马不成功,则回溯。 -algorithm for the basic ideas : the structure definition : PLAC
- this utility is used to copy any file to different location in the local area network. this utility keeps record of last added locations into the list.This application uses path.xml file to keep history of locations. This is very simple
- this utility is used to copy any file to different location in the local area network. this utility keeps record of last added locations into the list.This application uses path.xml file to keep history of locations. This is very simple
- this utility is used to copy any file to different location in the local area network. this utility keeps record of last added locations into the list.This application uses path.xml file to keep history of locations. This is very simple
- this utility is used to copy any file to different location in the local area network. this utility keeps record of last added locations into the list.This application uses path.xml file to keep history of locations. This is very simple
- 文件目录更名 1、摘要:使用INT 21的56H子功能进行文件和文件夹改名 2、参考资料: IBM-PC汇编语言程序设计(第二版) (汇编语言)-directory renamed a summary : the use of the Social INT 21-function file and folder name two, references : IBM-PC Assembly Language Programming (2nd edition) (assembly l
- 线性方程一元求解double roundto(double x,int n) //将某数保留指定位数!-linear equations to solve one yuan roundto double (double x, int n) / / designated certain reservations median!
- 函数 long StrToData(CString strData,int jz) 功能:字符串转为正整数值 [字符串可为2-16]任意进制数值字符串 返回:长整型数值 参数:strData 为将要转换的字符串 参数:jz 为字符串的进制 如: CString s s=\"FFA6\" long data=StrToData(s,16) 则:data的值为:65446 用法:将StrToData.h和StrToData.cpp复制加入到
- This project is to show the tree I dreamed when I first met the ternary tree concept. When I came upon the ternary tree, I get awed! It s amazing that an idea so simplistic could be so strong and fast. But it had flaws... the first one is the memory