- 1、有没有方法创建一个半透明的窗口,并将该窗口上发生的所有鼠标事件都传递到桌面或另一个应用窗口处理? 2、我正在写一个幻灯显示程序,该程序要显示JPEG图像序列。我使用了 2002年三月刊专栏文章中的 CPicture 类来绘制图像(参见:C++ Q&A: Do You Have a License for that GIF? PreSubclassWindow, EOF in MFC, and More)。那个程序运行得很好。但我现在想添加从某一张图像到下一张图像的渐变特性。我在网页
- RW - Read & Write utility, for hardware engineers, firmware (BIOS) engineers, driver developers, QA engineers, performance test engineers, diagnostic engineers, etc., This utility access almost all the computer hardware, including PCI (PCI Express),
- Computes BER v EbNo curve for convolutional encoding / soft decision Viterbi decoding scheme assuming BPSK. Brute force Monte Carlo approach is unsatisfactory (takes too long) to find the BER curve. The computation uses a quasi-analytic (Q