- 一个小巧的分散控件,可以设定扇叶数和转速,用在界面上会用意想不到的效果- An exquisite disperser controls, may establish the fan blade number and the rotational speed, uses meets the effect on the contact surface which the intention could not think
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- 我想真真正正的了解该系统的源代码,请你不要在这样了好吗?-I think the true understanding of the system's source code, you may not like this okay?
- 我的一个传口的小例子,一起分享!其中一些功能我以为还是费了一些脑筋的哦:)-my mouth-a small example, share! Some functions, I think that some of the charges or having oh :)
- 这是个运动会记分程序,不知道大家感兴趣不,不过我觉得是我自己写的-Games Points procedures, we do not know is not interested, but I think I wrote it myself
- 该程序是基于一个VFW的采集和相关图像处理程序,除了提供了VFW采集相关的设计技术核心外,重点提供了整体程序的界面设计,提供了SkinWin类和CollapsiblePanel类的使用,本人认为它们是一般程序框架设计的经典搭配:)界面还不是很漂亮,期待懂美工的同志能提出修改意见:)-the program is based on a VFW related to the acquisition and image processing procedures, in addition to the
- VB自身提供的Timer控件的定时精度太差!补充一个我认为很精确的定时方法,该方法可以 真正精确到毫秒级!-VB own Timer control of the timing accuracy bad! I think that added a very precise timing, the method can really accurate to the millisecond!
- 想在你的程序中具有数码管的显示方式吗,请看:漂亮的LCD界面控件,为你做到-you think that the process is the digital control display mode yet, see : beautiful LCD interface controls, as you do
- 其实网上已经有不少现成的软件,它们可以帮你做到一些共享软件的时间控制,比如试用30天,试用100次等。前些天给台湾人写的软件现在需要要一个试用版,由于是繁体,想用网上已有的软件<<幻影加密系统>>来做,但在繁体下一运行就把机子搞死了,害得我新装了繁体2000。后来想想还是自己写算了。-fact, there has been much off-the-shelf software, they can help you do some of the time-sharing
- 我自己用vc编写的图像融合效果评价,觉得还可以吧。-my own use vc prepared by the Evaluation of image fusion, it can also think.
- 这个源码本人认为在实际应用中还是比较少,但是作者的编程思路却有学习之处.-I think in practical application is still relatively small, but the authors of programming ideas have to learn from.
auto wallpaper ver 0.02
- 一个自动换桌面墙纸的程序,个人认为比从网上下的要优秀.附带源码和详细说明.(简洁是我的风格,讨厌复杂的操作和无用的功能)-an automatic desktop wallpaper for the procedure, I think from the Internet than to the good. Fringe source and details. (Brevity is my style, detests complexity of the operation and useles
- 想不想在一个按钮上看电影?不要以为我是在开开玩笑,看了这个代码你就知道了。赶快行动吧。-do not want to watch a movie a button? Do not think that I was joking, having read the code you will know. Get into action at once.
XBBS v1.0 最简版(纯XML数据网络论坛)
- 论坛BBS,大家可以看一看。。个人认为不错的一个小程序-Forum BBS, we can look at. . Personal think it is true to a small procedure. .
- 世界上只有2%的人能出答案的迷题的推导过程和答案(有七种答案) 前面有人给出了这道出自1981年柏林的德国逻辑思考学院据说就连大名鼎鼎的爱因斯坦也成为此题大伤脑筋的迷题的七种答案和java实现过程。 我这里用C++实现过程,我觉得代码写得还可以,如果有兴趣可与我交流。 -the world, only 2% of the people could answer out of the crowds that the derivation process and answe
- 就让我习惯背弃着清晨, 就让我等待来临的黄昏, 相信只有手中的那根烟, 还能体会我颤抖的双唇 怕就怕在我的心急如焚, 怕就怕缘分尽了我还在奔, 爱火熄灭就别再有余温, 我不想在回忆里的生存. 如果爱不满分你就让我伤神, 我想我是真的爱错你的人, 只是付出了真却换回伤的深, 我祈求下辈子我不要做男人-let me abandon a habit of early morning, let me wait for the arrival of
- 在中小型电力行业系统中,曲线的要求比较严格,虽然网络上面各种曲线控件非常多,但是很多只能提供一段时间的曲线显示或者历史若干个点的显示。比如在一个普通的小型水电站系统中我们会牵涉到许多的点(可能甚至达到400到500多个),一般的电站运行人员或者管理者希望能够对这类点的历史运行状况进行还原(即能够将历史运行的各个点状况进行还原),曲线就是非常重要的一个环节了,考虑到各种因素,由于很多控件虽然外表包装漂亮,但是功能觉得不能这么完善,所以我自己写了一个显示控件,现进行简要的介绍,希望对这个方面寻求帮助
- 我租了一写字楼,正在装修,因房间较多,需要增加相应消防系统里的喷玲的设备,但物业收费与正常市价高出百倍,我认为非常不合理,但只能委托他们,请-I rented an office under renovation, more rooms, the need to increase the corresponding system's fire-ling spray equipment, but the property charges and 100 times higher than
- snmp 相关资料,我想会对大家有帮助的,大家可以看看,是我找的一些资料。-snmp relevant information, I think we will have to help, we can see, I was looking for some information.
- 自认为最好的三态树实现方式,关键是比较灵活-think the best three states Tree way, the key is a more flexible
- 利用sudo来执行一条root权限的命令 执行一条命令就要su一下,很麻烦。 sudo sh -c \"python mount.py\" 这样来执行,我个人觉得就方便多了。 ^_^ -use sudo to implement a root of the command execution order should a su that very troublesome. Sudo sh-c "python mount.py" to implem