- VIGRA is a computer vision library that puts its main emphasize on flexible algorithms, because algorithms represent the principle know-how of this field. The library was consequently built using generic programming as introduced by Stepanov and Muss
- 本程序实现 了在vc环境下自定义算法画圆两种,实现了计算机图形学课程的要求-the program in vc environment since the definition of the two algorithms Circle, a computer graphics to achieve the required courses
- 黑白棋的tc版程序,主要采用计算机图形学基本算法和原理,谢谢支持-reversi tc version of the procedure, used mainly in computer graphics algorithms and basic principle, I thank the support
- 演算法與繪圖的的表現,在所有點中判斷最外點-algorithms and the performance of the graphics, in all judged most points outside the point
- 源码包含了常见的图像形态学算法,如图像基本逻辑运算,阈值分割,边缘处理,孔洞填充等-source contains common morphological image algorithms, such as images basic logic operations, thresholding segmentation, edge, openings fill in the blanks
- 图形学实验的一些例程 包括画直线的算法,画圆,裁剪, 涉及到位图,GDI+,等-graphics routines including some paintings linear algorithms, Circle, cutting, involving plans in place, GDI, etc.
- Image alignment is a process of matching one image called template (let s denote it as T) and another image I (see fig. 1). There are many applications of image alignment, such as tracking objects on video, motion analysis and many other tasks of com
- 一个检测米粒的小程序,主要用到图像分割算法,需要加载opencv库才能使用,A detection of a small grain of rice programs, mainly used in image segmentation algorithms need to load in order to use opencv library
- 一个用MFC编写的简单的DDA算法画圆和画直线的程序。练习用-Written in a simple to use MFC circle and draw a straight line algorithms DDA program. For practice
- 图像分割常用的主动轮廓模型中的一个经典算法——贪心算法的win32源码,使用VC++实现-Image segmentation of the active contour model commonly used in a classic algorithms- greedy algorithm win32 source, use VC++ Achieve
- 本程序实现了数字图像处理课程中图像处理的几个算法,包括图像锐化、图像增强等等,需要的可以下载来-This procedure achieved a digital image processing courses in several image processing algorithms, including image enhancement, image enhancement, etc., need can be downloaded to
- 在VC++平台下,利用计算机图形学中的算法,产生一运动效果的秒表-In VC++ platform, the use of computer graphics algorithms, resulting in the effect of a sports stopwatch
- 数字图像处理VC平台 比较全面 基本常用的图像处理算法都有比如腐蚀 区域生长等 对于图像接口以及图像处理初学者来说很有帮助-VC platform for digital image processing more comprehensive basic image processing algorithms are commonly used in corrosion region growing, etc. For example, the image interface and image
- this is visual c++ 6.0 procedure codes and VC image processing algorithms are included in this file
- bmp格式文件和六种常用图像增强算法作出了研究,文中详细论述了数字图像增强技术中涉及到的图像平滑、中值滤波、梯度锐化、拉普拉斯锐化、灰度拉伸和灰度均衡各基本算法及其在Visual C++ 6.0下的具体实现,列出了各图像增强基本算法所涉及的关键源代码,同时,在每种图像算法中都分别给出了一幅标准的数字图像在各种处理前与处理后的对照图像。 -bmp format, and six kinds of commonly used image enhancement algorithm to the
- Flow Chart Visual Programming Language allows to run basic algorithms in a visual way. All you have to do is to place program blocks on the screen, connect them with arrows and run. You can also run it in step by step mode (when delay is set
- Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications 图像入门基础,非常值得学习的一本书 2010年5月最新版,还没有实体书-Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications image entry based on a book well worth study in May 2010 updated version, there is no physical book
- windows环境下用visual C++实现计算机图形学中C字曲线算法的编码-windows environment using visual C++ implementation computer graphics algorithms in C code word curve
- 利用遗传算法进行图像分割,在matlab中实现-image segmentation by genetic algorithms in Matlab
- CGAL,Computational Geometry Algorithms Library,计算几何算法库,设计目标是,以C++库的形式,提供方便,高效,可靠的几何算法。CGAL可用于各种需要几何计算的领域,如计算机图形学,科学可视化,计算机辅助设计和建模,地理信息系统,分子生物学,医学成像,机器人运动规划,网格生成,数值方法等等。 计算几何算法库(CGAL),提供计算几何相关的数据结构和算法,诸如三角剖分(2D约束三角剖分及二维和三维Delaunay三角剖分),Voronoi图(二维和