- 用VC++编写的适时绘图源程序,比较好用,可画图例网格-A programme of real time painting , using VC++ language . It s very handy. And can be applied in graphical illustration and griding.
- 基于SQL语言的数据库在VC系统中的绘图,可能部分说明不是很充足,但是绝对好用的。-Drawing application based on SQL database and Visual C++ IDE.It s likely to be short of code comments,but definitely useful!
- 主要功能是把图片倒置180度。 虽然是简单的功能,但也能体现用VC图像编程的基本方法。-main function is to picture inverted 180 degrees. Although it is simple, functional, but it can also reflect images with VC's basic programming methods.
- 飞龙探云手 0.99测试版用途:全屏幕抓取连续的图片使用方法:热键 ctrl+a 抓图 ctrl+h 隐藏程序窗口 ctrl+s显示程序窗口 附带 源代码(vc 6.0)-dragon goes hand Exploration 0.99 beta purposes : full-screen crawl consecutive Photo Use : hotkey ctrl ctrl h screen in a hidden window ctrl s side window display
- 一个vc实现的视频捕捉程序源代码,结构和代码都比较简单,适合初学者-vc achieve a video capture program's source code structure and code are relatively simple, suitable for beginners
- Visual C++ MFC扩展编程实例/(美)[J.E.斯文克]John E.Swanke著 一书的配套实例, 基于VC++5.0开发,有将近70个实例,对于想学习MFC的初学者非常有参考价值-expansion MFC Visual C programming examples / (U.S.) [J.E. Schwentke] John E.S wanke with a book supporting examples, based on the development of the
- QR码是一种矩阵码,或二维空间的条码,1994年由日本Denso-Wave公司发明(QB06102506)。QR是英文“Quick Response”的缩写,即快速反应的意思,源自发明者希望QR码可让其内容快速被解码。QR码最常见于日本,并为目前日本最流行的二维空间条码。QR码比普通条码可储存更多资料,亦无需像普通条码般在扫描时需直线对准扫描器。这是一个应用控件生成QR码的VC实例.-QR code is a matrix code, or two-dimensional bar code sp
- 四点细分算法 VC++程序源码; 某人的论文源码,经我修改用于生成中国地图的细分效果图,4:00 subdivision algorithm VC++ Procedures source a person s thesis source, after I have altered the map of China used to generate the effect of the subdivision plan
- 基于OSG的使用VC++开发的一个小游戏,非常有利于OSG的学习,It s a small game using VC++ based on OSG. It s very ussful for studying OSG.
- 用VC编写的画图软件,可以实现画图功能,用SDK开发的-It s a painting software
- vc的源程序,是为了从网页上获得图片的源代码,这个功能希望能对大家有所帮助。-vc source code is to obtain images from a web page' s source code, this function would like to be helpful to everyone.
- VC MFC 和OPENGL ,飞机巡航,可自转,转向加减速,翻转等动作.-VC MFC and OPENGL, aircraft and cruise, can rotation, turn acceleration and deceleration, turning and other activities.
- VC超级玛丽的模仿版 功能齐全 贡献出来大家分享-Super VC imitate Mary s full-featured version of contribute to share
- 如何显示图象的最短小的代码,这些例子都是给初学VC的人看的,高手就过吧-How to display small images of the shortest code, these examples are beginning to see the VC' s, master on the cross bar
- 这是基于vc++6.0的关于SDK的图像采集程序,希望对大家有所帮助。-This is based on vc++6.0 on the SDK' s image acquisition process, we hope to be helpful.
- VC++编写的一款平面设计图形绘制工具的源代码,界面风格及完成的功能类似于著名的AutoCAD,虽然功能没有AutoCAD强大,但现有的这些功能也足以让你研究一阵子了!关键是思路。-VC++, prepared by a graphic design graphics drawing tool s source code, interface and complete the function of style is similar to the famous AutoCAD, although
- vc开发的交通地图软件,学习gis的基本原理和实现方法有一定用处-It s a gis software which developed by vc.
- 该算法用于提取图像的颜色特征,在hsv空间里实现颜色特征的提取 构造颜色直方图-The algorithm used to extract the image' s color characteristics, to achieve the hsv color space color histogram feature extraction structure
- VC的画元件图的程序,类似于protel,功能十分强大,想学习VC绘图的同学肯定收益匪浅,程序都是编译好的,绝对马上能用。-VC' s painting program component diagram, similar to protel, very powerful, drawing the students want to learn VC certainly benefits greatly from the program are compiled, can be used abso
- Visual C++语言提供了Windows环境丰富多采的界面控制元素,列表框就是其中最重要之一,在许许多多的软件系统中,列表框的运用既使界面生动美观,又大大的简化了用户的操作。然而,美中不足的是 Visual C++语言仅提供基于文本的列表框操作,在实际编程中,很多情况我们需要进行自绘列表框的设计,以达到特殊的操作效果,如MSPublisher软件的新版本中,采用了图象列表的方式供用户选择要打开的图象,用户可以先在列表框中简单的浏览一下图象的大致内容,再决定是否打开图象文件。-Visual C