- 本软件用C#编写,功能强大,其内容有:系统时间读取与修改,正点报时,农历算法,时节算法,定时闹钟,定时关机,日程表,记事本,私人日记,语音秘书(含语音识别功能),通信录,优美活泼的界面,是网上少见的C#学习极品。你安装完试试,肯定让你喜欢。-the software with C# prepared, powerful, its contents are : system time to read with changes revealed timekeeping, the Lunar New
- 一些常用的计算机图形学算法用c语言的实现-some frequently used in computer graphics algorithms using C Language Implementation
- 网络编程,是以C#写的网页分析算法,基于VIPS思想-network programming is written in C# web analysis algorithms, based on the thinking foo
- Sudoku source in C#, implement Dancing link algorithms.
- 罚函数方法是求解约束(极小)优化问题的一类较好的算法。其基本思想:根据约束的特点构造某种惩罚函数,并把惩罚函数添加到目标函数上去,从而得到一个增广目标函数,使约束优化问题的求解转化为一系列无约束极小优化问题的求解。-Penalty function method for solving constrained (minimum) optimization problem of a class of better algorithms. The basic idea: In accordance
- Implementation of Apriori algorithm, using C#. Apriori is a classic algorithm for learning association rules. Apriori is designed to operate on databases containing transactions (for example, collections of items bought by customers, or details o
- 银行家算法 采用C#编程 开发环境VS2005 朋友们可以参考一下 主要核心算法大同小异 其他语言的也可以参考下-Banker' s algorithm using C# programming development environment VS2005 friends can refer to more or less the same core algorithms in other languages can also refer to the following
- 用C#编写的画艺术图,用算法计算出点的位置然后,在窗体上描绘出点的位置,形成艺术效果图。-Written in C#, painting art map, using algorithms to calculate location of the point and then, in the form depicts location of the point, the formation of artistic effect diagram.
- 实现矩阵转置算法 可以在C++中运行,经测验能够实现-Matrix transposition algorithms can be achieved in C++, running can be achieved by the test
- This a zipper that implements zip algorithms in c#. -This is a zipper that implements zip algorithms in c#.
- FIR滤波器幅频特性图像C#的实现! 使用交互界面! 可实现滤波器阶数的选择-This module provides functions to implement Finite Impulse Response (FIR) * filters using a variety of algorithms. * * These functions use most or all of the following input parameters: * * inp
- Data Structures and Algorithms in C#
- 里面包含所有的C++开发算法,很基础,实用-Which contains all algorithms in C++ development, it is basic, practical
- this Source Code in Programed in C# and complete C# project is uploaded... 4 codding algorithms are programmed, huffman LZW fano and shannon-this Source Code in Programed in C# and complete C# project is uploaded... 4 codding algorithms are
- 常用算法的C语言程序源码,有各种滤波算法,FFT算法,小波算法等。-Commonly used algorithm in C language program source code, there are a variety of filtering algorithm, FFT algorithm, wavelet algorithms.
- 用C#写的AES类加解密算法-AES class, AES class, AES encryption and decryption algorithms written in C#
- C#编写的DES加密算法的例子,包含源码。-DES encryption algorithms written in C# example, contains the source code.
- C++编写的各种排序算法。包括插入排序、堆排序、归并排序、基数排序、冒泡排序、希尔排序、选择排序、直插排序。-C++ written various sorting algorithms. Including insertion sort, heap sort, merge sort, radix sort, bubble sort, shell sort, selection sort, in-line sort.
- 处理机调度算法,是按优先级顺序调度的,采用的是C#编程,可以直接打开使用-Processor scheduling algorithms, in order of priority scheduling, using the C# programming, can be opened using a direct
- 一个简易的chart系统,可以以二进制形式打开各种文件并读取其二进制码并以曲线形式显示出来,并提供一些简单的算法对原始数据进行处理并将处理后曲线显示出来(A simple chart system can open all kinds of files in binary form, read binary code and display them in curve form, and provide some simple algorithms to process the original