- The Compiler Generator Coco/R Coco/R1 is a compiler generator, which takes an attributed grammar of a source language and generates a scanner and a parser for this language. The scanner works as a deterministic finite automaton. The parser u
- 一个手机里常见的小游戏,打砖块游戏。实现的功能比用java开发的界面更友好。含源文件及一个图片。-a common small games, puzzle games. The functions than java development of the interface more friendly. Source containing documents and a photo.
- 这个是类似与记事本的一个用java编写的小程序,仅贡参考-this is similar to the notebook with the java prepared with a small application, only Gong reference
- 一个聊天室的JAVA源程序 绝对可以运行 包含客户端和服务端-a chat room, the absolute source Java can run includes client and server
- Datareel is a comprehensive cross-platform C++ development kit used to build multi-threaded database and communication applications. C++ is a programming language that produces fast executing compiled programs and offers very powerful programming cap
- OMNeT++ is an extensible, modular, component-based C++ simulation library and framework, with an Eclipse-based IDE and a graphical runtime environment. Domain-specific functionality (support for simulation of communication networks, queuing networks,
- PDF Clown的发行源码,PDFClown是一个通用PDF文件处理库,支持多平台。其最大优点是文档全面,例子丰富。-This is the source code distribution of PDF Clown, a general-purpose library for the manipulation of PDF files implemented in multiple platforms,including Csharp and Java.Main advantages of
- Spring.NET 是一个关注于.NET企业应用开发的应用程序框架。它能够提供宽广范围的功能,例如依赖注入、面向方面编程(AOP)、数据访问抽象, 以及ASP.NET集成等。基于java的spring框架的核心概念和价值已被应用到.NET。Spring.NET 1.0 包含一个完全功能的依赖注入容器和AOP库。后续的发布将包含对ASP.NET、Remoting和数据访问的支持。-Spring.NET is a focus on. NET enterprise application devel
- aspx下的JSON库 JSON(Javascr ipt Object Notation) 是一种轻量级的数据交换格式。易于人阅读和编写。同时也易于机器解析和生成。它基于Javascr ipt Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999的一个子集。 JSON采用完全独立于语言的文本格式,但是也使用了类似于C语言家族的习惯(包括C, C++, C#, Java, Javascr ipt, Perl, P
- 这是在 .Net Remoting 中使用事件的例子程序。运行中,先启动 Server,再启动 N 个 Client,在 Server 或任何一个 Client 中,输入 任何字符后回车,则会引发事件,导致所有 Client 收到此事件。而直接 回车则会退出程序。-This is at. Net Remoting case examples of the use of procedures. Operation, first start the Server, and th
- 前已经介绍过一纯C#编写的大型关系型数据库系统MINOSSE,架构相当好,但到目前为止仍然无法正常运行,估计是研发力量不足,大家有兴趣的话可以参与。 今天要介绍的是SharpHSQL,如果用过JAVA的朋友或许会接触过HSQLDB(前身是HSQL),它是纯JAVA编写的轻量级/嵌入式关系型数据库引擎,大概是300k左右,应用很广泛。而SharpHSQL是HSQLDB的C#迁移版本,曾经在有人于2002年在codeproject.com上发布了第一个版本,当时用的是是Visual St
- 用C#写的c#和Java在控制台编译时的小工具-Using C# to write the c# and Java compile-time in a small console tool
- 参照PGP,实现一个文件加密系统,包括对称加密,非对称加密和数字签名等功能。 可选开发语言工具:Openssl VC .net java -Reference to PGP, the realization of a file encryption system, including symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption and digital signature functions. Optional tool for the
- ReSharperSetup.3.1.Full.VS90.msi ReSharper是一款微软Visual Studio .NET 2005或者2008的插件,提供了智能C#辅助编码功能和实时错误显示功能,并支持重构。ReSharper为C#开发人员提供许多能够有效提高生产力的功能,这些功能已被成千上万使用IntelliJ IDEA的Java程序员所采用 ReSharper是为Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005或者2008这一流行的开发平台提供的插
- I ticked Java though the project is in C#. This is the most similar IMHO. This is an event-Spy class, just use it like this: CEventLogger2 eventSpy = new CEventLogger2() eventSpy.RegisterAllEvents(oObjectToUse) oObjectToUse could f
- Camfrog Video Chat是一套视频聊天软件。您可以跟很多具有摄像头的正在线用户正在闲谈房间一同聊天,-Camfrog Video Chat is a set of video chat software. You can have a camera with a lot of users are online chat rooms are being together and chat
- 这是一个非常完整的银行自动取款机项目,给大家共赏,希望大家能够喜欢-This is a very complete program of bank ATMs, for everyone Dramas, I hope you will like
- Written as an introduction to the new C#, this guide takes the experienced C programmer a few steps beyond the basics. It covers objects, data types, and flow control, and even delves into some background on the new Microsoft NET Frameworks env
- This free C# ebook “C# From Java” by Rob Miles should help you convert a program from Java to C#. It is assumed that the reader is an experienced Java programmer.
- 这是一个贪食蛇的软件 这是一个贪食蛇的软件 -This is a software which is a Snake Snake Snake software which is a software which is a software Snake