- The provided Matlab code to simulate the basic processing involved in the generation and reception of an OFDM signal in a physical channel and to provide a descr iption of each of the steps involved.-provided Matlab code to simulate the ba sic proces
- Blind Source Seperation (BSS) now is a important technology. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is the main technique of BSS. Suppose we mix many non-Gausse signal sources,ICA can seperate the mixed signal to orignal signals without any information
- 利用极大值估计法进行节点之间的定位。模拟真实环境进行仿真- Estimated using the maximum method of positioning between nodes. Simulate the real environment simulation
- 仿光通信中半导体光放大器SOA的交叉增益调制,同时给出了NRZ信号的频谱图及时域图-simulate XGM in SOA and the graph of NRZ signal
- OFDM具有很强的抗多径和抗频率选择性衰落的能力,并且可以传输高速数据,这里以DVB_T(2k模式)为例分析其加信道厚的信号频谱及信道对OFDM中频信号的影响。-The purpose of this programme is to provide Matlab code to simulate the basic processing involved in the generation and reception of an OFDM signal in a physica
- this codes for reylaigh fading in CDMA system, this is useful for simulate reyleigh fading in random things-this is codes for reylaigh fading in CDMA system, this is useful for simulate reyleigh fading in random things
- this file use to simulate power control with MSPC algorithm in CDMA system
- this code simulate pure aloha .
- This program used to simulate the MC-CDMA system in AWGN and fading channels with specified parameters given in the code .-This program used to simulate the MC-CDMA system in AWGN and fading channels with specified parameters given in the code .
- 对DTMF电话通信过程的仿真,并通过MATLAB的GUI界面模拟电话拨号,同时考虑信道的信噪比对接收端拨号探测的影响。-Using MATLAB to simulate DTMF telephone communications. Simulate dailing interface by GUI, and consider effect of channel SNR on signal detection at receiver side.
- 输入信号通过线性时不变系统,幅度响应和频率响应失真分析MATLAB仿真。-the input signal pass the LTI system,simulate the distortion of amplitude response and phase response.
- The zip file contains 1. A 128x256 Regular (3,6) H matrix (if you need to simulate other codes, need to write your own code for generating those parity check matrices). The file 128x256regular_v6.mat is for those using Matlab 6.5. 2. Files for
- it a matlab scource code to simulate sfdma
- it a matlab source code to simulate ofdm
- matlab实现QAM调制解调在高斯信道和瑞利衰落信道下误码率和误符号率-Using matlab to realize the QAM over AWGN and rayleigh channel and simulate the BER performance
- matlab code that simulate diffrent steps in pulse shaping