- 功能强大,可以强制卸载,HID编成参考,功能上还有点欠缺,右键功能还没增加,希望高人研究研究。,Powerful, can be forced to uninstall, HID into a reference point there is a lack of functionality, right not to increase functionality, hoping an expert Research.
- 利用Visual Basic通过GPIB控制设备HP34970进行对产品测试.GPIB需在安装驱动后再安装VISA后连接设备方可使用.-The use of Visual Basic through GPIB control equipment on an HP34970 test. GPIB driver and then installed after the installation of VISA can be used to connect equipment.
- Direct RS485 serial port operatio Visual C++6.0 environment applica Vc ds18b20 PC-based program RS232 serial communication with a VS2005 on the use of a serial com This is a 20 on the serial commun Visual C++6.0 environment using M
- USB to Serial reader developed in Visual basic. It can be used to read Serial to USB cables and devices.-USB to Serial reader developed in Visual basic. It can be used to read Serial to USB cables and devices.