- 扩展频谱通信系统是指待传输信息的频谱用某个特定的扩频函数扩展后成为宽频带信号,送入信道中传输,再利用一定手段将其压缩,从而获取传输信息的通信系统。 在传输同样信息时所需的射频带宽,远比我们已熟知的各种调制方式要求的带宽要宽得多。扩频带宽至少是信息带宽的几十至 几万倍。-spread spectrum communication systems refer to the transmission of information with a particular spectrum of spre
- 802.11b 1Mbps PHY link. This M code simulates DBPSK modulation and barker code spreading on a perfectly synchonized 802.11b link. It calculates the BER rate at each EsNo (EbNo) and plots the result- 802.11b 1Mbps PHY link. This M code