- Usb通信程序开发示例,讲述如何开发一个USB应用用程序-Usb communications program examples on how to develop a procedure using USB applications
- 这是一个用visual C++编写的用于调试和单片机通讯的串口通讯程序。-This is a visual C with the preparation for debugging and communication microcontroller serial communication procedure.
yx-k4-232 vc
- 标准工业RS232端口技术开发包,有一定的使用价值,方便开发类似PLC PDA GPS 等项目-RS232 ports standard industrial technology development kits, a certain value, and facilitate the development of similar PLC PDA GPS project
基于VC 6_0的串行通信设计与实现
- 这是关于VC与单片机串口通信的资料,学习后很受启发,-on VC and SCM serial communication of information, after learning a great deal of enlightenment.
VC知识库文章 - 初识 Embedded Visual C++
- 操作系统有所耳闻,它是微软已推出的三种操作系统内核之一,是一种实时操作系统。虽然它是一种实时操作系统,但是从96年发布v1.0到现在,它的主要用途都在民用领域,比如Pocket PC、SmartPhone、Automation。不像VxWorks,应用于航空航天、军事等领域。现在linux、VxWorks厂商也都看好嵌入式民用市场,激烈竞争在所难免。我看好Windows CE,因为微软在PC领域实在太强,用户也早已熟悉了微软的产品,把PC下的技术移植到嵌入式领域,首先在操作界面
- 用VC++5.0开发拨号上网程序 ---- 现在的时代是网络的时代,网络应用程序的应用越来越广泛,在自己设计的应用程 序中实现直接拨号上网,给应用程序的使用者带了很多方便,本应用程序就是在中文 windows95操作系统上,用VC++5.0开发的实现拨号上网的一个小程序,希望能对大家有 所帮助。-VC 5.0 dial-up procedures-now the network era is the era of network applications i
- 这是用VC实现的一个聊天室程序,音频部分还需要添加-This is the VC process a chat room, audio part also need to be added
- 这是一个用VC得到网卡信息的例子 找出来 希望给大家一个参考-This is a VC card information to be an example for them we hope to a reference
- 这是得到远程MAC地址的VC代码 思想比较新颖 可行性比较强!-This is the MAC address of remote VC code feasibility of innovative ideas in a relatively strong!
- 这是我最近在VC平台下编写的一个与LINUX平台通讯的IRDA程序,在运行此程序前一定要先下载一个SDK,这是VC下IRDA通讯所必须的。-This is my recent VC prepared under a Linux platform with the IRDA communication procedures, Run this program in the former must first download an SDK, which is VC IRDA communicati
- 本人用在公司点阵条屏通讯送点阵数据的上位几软件,有两点可以参考 1.里面的点阵获取没有采用字库,而是自己从屏幕获取.可以发送WINDOWS有的任意可以写出来的字体. 2.实现了串口的发送.-I used the company lattice screen data communications sent to the upper lattice several software two of which may be a reference. there is no access to
- 本文详细介绍了DLL编程的方方面面,看完后基本可以对DLL有较全面的掌握-paper describes in detail the various aspects of DLL programming, After reading the basic right DLL can have a more comprehensive grasp
- VC下的一个简洁实用的多线程串行通讯接口,可读性强可操作性强。-VC a concise and practical multithread serial communication interface, readable - is workable.
vc++ to Sniffer Package capture
- 本文给出了一种在Visual C++下用原始套接字来捕获并分析在网络上传输的数据包的简单方法 -This paper gives a Visual C with the original socket to capture and analyze the network transmission of a few It is a simple method of packet
- In addition to individual algorithm, Demonstration System is a \"data structure\" (C language version) book algorithm corresponding to the code (CPP) and the test operating procedures (VC + +6.0 to the EXE). Through the system can demonstrate that th
- vc++网络通信一书所有源码,全部可以编译执行。请将文件属性去掉只读。我从光盘上copy的-vc a communications network on all source code, compile all of the implementation. Please read-only file attributes removed. I copy from the CD
- 这是一份关于串口编程的读书笔记,对于使 用VC进行编程的同行应该有一定的帮助。-This a serial programming on the study notes, for the use of VC peer program should be some help.
PLC_Control.用VC++ 6.0和mscom编写的通讯程序
- 用VC++ 6.0和mscom编写的通讯程序,测试OK.主要是和三菱fx1s 的通讯,包含命令的收发和解码,要熟悉三菱fx1s 的通讯原理和mscom的通讯解码,呵呵,花了好大的功夫才调适好的,界面还有部分预留给未来的使用,可以控制马达的动作,当然你自己要会写PLC的代码。,Using VC++ 6.0 and the preparation of the communication process mscom test OK. Mainly Mitsubishi fx1s communicat
- 基于vc6.0串口通讯上位机温度软件,可以画出实时曲线,显示时间和接收的温度,我花了很长时间才搞定。-PC-based serial communication vc6.0 temperature software, you can draw the curve in real time, display time and receive the temperature, I took a long time to get it.
- Java 通过JNI 技术调用VC ++ DLL 的方法, 并设计了含有串口GPS 类和Java 导出 函数的DLL , 该DLL 既可以用于Java 访问串口GPS , 也可以用于VC ++ 访问串口GPS , 实现了Java和VC ++ 共用的动态连接库设计。-Java through JNI technology called VC++ DLL' s methods, and design and the Java class containing the serial GPS