- This book take Microsoft s work one step further with an MFC-like C++ class called Cscr iptEngine that implements the ActiveX scr ipting interfaces in the context of a sample MFC application.
- 数学公式解析类,内附详细源代码和可执行Demo,包括c++和com的Sample -Mathematical formula parsing class, included detailed source code and executables Demo, including the c++ and the com of the Sample
- Title: ActiveX Data Objects Programming in C++ Descr iption: ActiveX Data Objects Programming How To: Hey, this is some kind of an experiment in writing tutorials in PSC. All of my articles are in .html files included in the zip file, together with
- C++使用win32 sdk编写COM组件示例 不用MFC、ALT等库-C++ write COM component sample without MFC, ALT, and other libraries to use the win32 the sdk
- C++使用win32 sdk编写进程外COM组件示例 不使用MFC、ALT等库-C++ writing-process COM component sample does not use MFC, ALT, and other libraries to use the win32 the sdk
- com 容器实例, 纯C++实现com容器编程,无mfc基类;附带多个样例-com container sample